
No reason to fear CancerAIDS if there's no tomorrow.


I'm fucking cracking up right now. I want Blackurai to be a real movie.

Almost as bad as those fat cats in Washington. Am I right folks?

"Uh… yes?"

Is Leo taking the Christoph Waltz career path? Win an Oscar then make a bunch of shit?

(Warms hands over that sick burn)

Robert De Niro: "You want me to play who?"


Please walk. Everyone's tired of you diving through the air everywhere you go.

"Members of the AV Club class of 2017, your best years are behind you. Continue to slog forward into an endless mire of boredom as we attempt to slap together some semblance of order in the comment section."

The testicle fork goes to the left of your plate.

Vitamin C's "Graduation" or GTFO

I wonder how much of a clusterfuck tomorrow is going to be.

(Disqus runs sobbing through the forest as Kinja stalks close behind, machete in hand)

As mentioned in the article, they feinted in that direction in the remake but nope, turns out he really is a molester. I agree that him being innocent lends more to the "vengeance beyond the grave" narrative.

Three the Hard Way was always my favorite. Although Black Belt Jones is great too.

He was in Enter the Dragon! Although so was Jim Kelly and that guy should be known as a national treasure too.

So how are they getting Freddy into space?

The Dark Souls games for sure, and that's one of their biggest flaws. As has been pointed out many times by many different people, literally nothing is explained to you and you are expected to die and lose your unspent experience/currency hundreds of times before you finish each game. You pretty much need to read a