
I'm too young to ever have gone there as a kid but I've seen the videos where somebody programmed the Rock-afire Explosion to sing pop songs. There's nothing like watching a bear with a banjo and a piano-playing gorilla belting out Usher's "Love in the Club."

Hey, kids need to learn that player hating is bad sometime.

"Hey, that's a pretty good janitor disguise."
"Yeah… disguise…"

[A hopeful Jeremy Renner keeps checking his phone]

Agreed, the series sorely needs a fresh start. I wasn't really enthused about most of the named candidates though. Idris would have been a good choice for the last casting change but I think he's a little too old now to sign on for 3-5 movies.

For the entire leadup to Spectre's release I assumed that Christoph Waltz's character was a red herring and Monica Bellucci was the real Blofeld.

Shirley Bassey: "Yeah, I'm not singing that."

That was only a couple of years ago. He went off the rails during a panel session and the powers that be thought JR didn't do a good enough job keeping Ric in line. Ric's son had just recently died and obviously he was having a hard time processing it. Putting him onstage was a terrible idea, honestly.

One of my favorites. Best part is the "sixty minute man" remark from Lethal that legit blows Ric away.

My favorite part of that botch was everyone's quiet "oh, no" off camera, followed by Davey Boy Smith's "he fell flat on his feckin' arse!"

And that bar-fighting goon's name was Jay Lethal.

The TNA legend, Ric Flair!

As long as you're not at Costanza level and eating out of the trash.

I was going to make a joke about a clingy, whiny super-villain who claims to be a nice guy but realized that NPH beat him to the punch.

How I Sucked Out Your Brain With My Proboscis

How I Met the Worst Person Alive

You're the Worst: The Ted Mosby Story

His restaurants are absolute shit. But I don't really blame him for that. It's my fault for eating there.

I stopped on the way home the last time I was in Baltimore, because it looked good on the show. Totally was.

No. He's ridiculous. But I like him anyway for all the reasons described.