
The only thing I remember about that show is a promo during a football game in which she mocked people for liking football. And not even in a funny way, more like "what's the deal with football?" type jokes.

Sigh. I remember all those shows. Nowhere Man was the shit.

Bring back The John Larroquette Show! The dark first season, not the shitty other seasons.

That's an awful thing to say about David Hyde Pierce.

Maybe Jean-Ralphio becomes a robot! Or Kyle gets a cell phone!

Doesn't matter, still excited to see it. Too bad it's going to bomb and we'll never find out how Roland's repeating quest truly ends, if this really is the final time through the cycle as it's been confirmed to be.

"Five hours until football! I know you are very upset that we can't watch together." - to my girlfriend who is traveling and barely tolerates the sport only because I enjoy it

Michael Shanks

I'm glad Chris Hardwick is doing well, in interviews he's said that after Singled Out ended he couldn't find work for years.

"I've used my superior intellect to discover how you tapped into the speed force and now I have all your powers!"

Beat me to it.

What? No!

At least they didn't get "one of the guys from Stargate SG-1 doing his best Batman voice" like Smallville did.

After thinking about it, I came to realize that last season's episode where our hero lost his memories and became Happy Barry again, only to get them back again and become Miserable Barry, was the writers trying to tell us, "It's important to Barry's character that he be a brooding, lying numbskull! Fun, goofy Barry

I wish I could go back in time and stop them from shipping Barry/Iris.

It sounds like everyone involved got the message that The Flash needs to lighten the fuck up next season. Thank god.

I don't really hang out there much anymore but the AV Club After Dark usually has a pretty entertaining live discussion during big PPVs.

I wonder if this is happening because nobody read the recaps, or if the new overlords are pulling an AOL Time Warner and deeming pro wrestling to be beneath them.

Master P?

I remember reading an article about Darrelle Revis that went pretty much like that. He bragged that he traded in his truck for a Mini Cooper accordingly.