
Yup. His wife was recast several times and suddenly he became aware of it, and also that he was incapable of swearing or having sex.

The George Takei Story

Sounds like the later seasons of Til Death which got more and more bizarre as the audience tuned out.

If it wasn't for Bartman he would have been.

The most harrowing part of Catching Hell was the security guard's account of hiding in the security office and then fleeing from roaming packs of irate fans actively looking for him, then having to hole up in her apartment until things calmed down enough to get him in a cab.

I can't remember - how long did it take after their win before the Red Sox carted out Buckner for his public forgiveness?

I really enjoyed Killing Them Softly, especially that scene you mentioned. Liotta's little sigh and resigned "fuck me" as he sees Shepard walking up to his house is great.

I remember during the Rifftrax Sharknado 2 live show from a couple of years ago the groan from the crowd and uncomfortable silence from the riffers when Jared from Subway appeared on screen.

"Okay Michiko, this week we need a thousand words on why Psycho II is secretly better than the original."

Didn't know that. Tom Cruise's dad bod is still way better than my bod, though.

I hope he uses the money to take another delightful cute-old-man vacation with Ian McKellen.

Greek discipline: tough but fair. And delicious.

For Our Consideration: The Office Wasn't Good Towards the End, What an Incredible Hot Take, Right?

I worked in a video game store in my early 20's and being around games all day, every day really sapped my enthusiasm for them. I love video games as a way to relieve stress and unwind, so I hated when it started feeling like work after awhile.

The "Face/Off machine" bit slayed me. "I heard them talking about it in the shitter!"

Spy let Jason Statham take on the bumbling blowhard role he was clearly aching to play, and for that I love it.

I'd argue the Melissa McCarthy one was the best of the lot, which I don't think anyone would have called.

The best thing about Rogue Nation is that Paramount moved it to the summer in a panic move to get it away from the very similar in structure Spectre, and it turned out to be a better movie in every way.

Thank you Variety, for confirming that Henry Cavill's soup strainer is not, in fact, an evil entity.

His glowering, miserable O-face was hilarious, I'll give him that.