
Wash your car, don’t be lazy and drive through a carwash. Take the time to wash it by hand. 

China says the driver is fine so I’m sure he’s fine. They never lie.

Andrew accidently said something slightly positive about GM one day. Next day he finds his desk items in a box with a short note, “You have voluntarily resigned.”

Swap in a Ford, Dodge, or Toyota logo on the grill and Jason would need to excuse himself to a locked room for a few minutes to “admire” the truck a little closer. 

I think the issue should be why other car manufacturers don’t care enough about the people that buy their cars to give them some extra light when they’re walking to and from their car at night. Seriously, so the rest of you carry flashlights so you can see behind your car when you get home after dark? It seems like

Trump seems to hate GM so much I’m beginning to think he writes for Jalopnik.

My big problem with my local Cars & Coffee in Pittsburgh, I don’t know if this is a common rule, is that they limit the shows to only people with cars in the show.

Oldsmobile is an American company and part of GM, that's why you don't hear about him in Jalopnik. That's the two things they despise together. 

I don't think you know what a column shift manual really is. 

it’s a good looking vehicle no doubt but I just don’t get all the praise that is getting heaped on it. In my opinion the Escalade is still many times better looking than this, especially the back end.

They could be like F1 drivers who get in the car,  hit play, and wait until the race is over.

As a person who had loved Corvettes since before I can even remember I love this! 

This appears to be set up to further divide us. Good job Russia or U.S. government/mainstream media. You’re doing it again.

Does Jalopnik pay a bonus for anyone that I can think of a way to write a negative GM article? The fact is that the new Silverado is a good looking truck. 

Because Ferrari owners are all 21 and covered in awesome tattoos! No, they’re 52 year old doctors with 2 ex-wives.

Don’t take it to a car wash, wash it by hand in your driveway. It takes longer and you may get sweaty and not look at your phone for an hour but it's worth it. 

Or you people could stop having kids. You can buy a car and we’ll all be able to eat in quiet restaurants. 

I see, when BMW, Lexus, Mercedes, or Audi has different tiers of sport luxury cars it’s completely cool and a great idea but when Cadillac does it it’s wrong and bad and awful. Got it.

Jalopnik again pretending to care about old GM vehicles so they can complain about new GM vehicles.