Unless it is followed by; “and then all the dwarves eated her up and she was saw no more.”
Unless it is followed by; “and then all the dwarves eated her up and she was saw no more.”
And yet, Disney bans them? Next on Fox News: Why does the Disney corporation want teens to drown?
I think it really says something about how much selfie sticks are disliked that nobody has even brought up “Erynn”.
Who takes a selfie stick in the sea? I dislike this story. Damn kids and their magic sticks.
Drink heavily and yell at the sky.
I do! I’m 44, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I have several close friends who live across the state or across the country, and I love talking on the phone with them. I have kept my landline because having a long conversation with someone is sucky if you’re dealing with cell phone reception. I also very…
Thank you. It isn’t a hands-free thing, just a simple “driving while distracted” thing.
ALL OF YOU PEOPLE HERE NEED TO STOP DRIVING ON THE PHONE. please, before you T-bone someone.
Me too. Sorry. I don’t care what anyone says I don’t think having to “bust it open” to someone should just be considered regular job. I respect the hustle and think everyone in the sex industry should be able to get fair wages, healthcare and the like, but the fact that some stripping their clothes off for someone…
The whole empowered-stripper concept has always felt a little uncomfortable to me.
After a multi-decade love of diet cola drinks, my mom stopped drinking them cold turkey and she said that she felt better almost instantly. Now she drinks water. If she wants caffeine, she’ll drink one cup of coffee a day. She’s onto something.
Neither is Galliano’s!
You want a pillow fort? I’ll make you a pillow fort.