
It’s like she’s a Mucha

This is so beautiful my heart hurts

The Cherry Poppin’ Daddies must have given those folks cat fits. xD

I can definitely see that happening, especially in the South.

They’ve never seen one, so they didn’t know.

Cubist boobs, though. That’s fetish territory, totally inappropriate and understandable.

If they’re blurring out all the boobs, why can I still see all the hosts’ faces?

Fox News censors are ass men, apparently.

Can fox news in general be blurred out?

That slutty, slutty, Comic Sans.

It’s not uncommon for theaters to be cold.

Am I having a stroke, or are her legs getting shinier and turning gold throughout the skit? Help?

Man, the balls on her.

yes, but Peasant is SUCH a great look...

I’m not really interested in a 15k dress....but I will take one of those giant necklaces Iris is wearing, however.

If I had the disposable income to purchase $15K dresses on the regular, I would have no need for them since I would live on my own private tropical island and wear nothing but beat up flip-flops and caftans, or simply wander about in my middle-aged nudie glory.

Iris Apfel is deeply annoying. She represents the interests of elderly women in the top one percent.

As somebody who enjoys studying 5-6 figure clothing because it is an art form, all I can tell you is go fuck yoself.

Anyone who spends $15,000 on an item of clothing without donating a like amount of money to a legitimate charity (that is, one that distributes more to aid recipients than to staffers) deserves to be bastinadoed.

YES! And maybe part of that is too many men who run fashion could be uncomfortable with female sexuality and therefore design for a boyish figure?