
yeah it is like a super power, people just ignore you and you can just go along with your life without being hassled.

I have body dysmorphia as well and a history of disordered eating. So I am really sorry to hear you struggle with that, too. It took me a long time to get here and it is still a struggle. But I am learning how to slowly love my body and see my softness and fullness as beautiful and sexy. I didn’t mean to sound like it

Yeah, I’m sorry to hear that, it is still a struggle for me too. But men seem to think “you won’t get sexually harassed nearly as much if you aren’t hot” is a threat. 

I am 37 and childless but I have to say I agree so far. They scare us in our 20s that we won’t get as much attention from men. But I’m really enjoying less and less attention. And I’m really enjoying not worrying about my body’s perfection. I exercise because it feels good. I eat healthy because it feels good and I

Thank you. Your nice message just undid at least a few of the scuzzy trolls. 


It infuriates me that crimes against women are not considered hate crimes. This was a domestic situation, which as stated, is indicative of larger acts of violence against women—like the recent yoga studio shootings. It says a lot about how misogynistic we are as a society when a man says “I went there to kill women”

Yes. I think we all suffer. Men too. And it is exhausting. Let’s all do whatever the fuck we consensually want and stop judging each other and pushing our ideas on our partners. Thankyouverymuch.

Yeeees. exactly.

thanks :-)

I certainly did not mean to suggest that no women can do it or to make a woman who squirts feel bad just because I cannot. Get your squirt on, feel all the pleasure in the world. I want you to cum your face off as much as you damn well please, however your body damn well pleases. I was trying to just make the point

If they’d lke me to I will. I just don’t want to call it squirting. 

Love ‘80s Jean Claude.

Yeah ... and a lot of them will reply “I made my last girlfriend squirt.” To which I am thinking: 1) Either she squirts and you did not MAKE her, that’s just what her body does or 2) She just peed on you and let you believe it was squirting. Either way, I do not think happened what you think happened and my body is

Porn focuses on the visuals for obvious reasons, so it exagerates those visuals. How things actually feel to women are not their concerns. So definitely not the place to learn about pleasure. 

You don’t want to know. But yes, I did order sausage. EXTRA Sausage. winky face.

Thank you. No restraint necessary, that kind of thing is silly and sad. Not hurtful. Oppression may be a strong word for what I experienced, I find it to be a uniquely male thing to do to women, though, to tell us what our bodies can and cannot do and then make it about their prowess instead of listening and

LOL. I wish less guys were trying to fuck me. It’s annoying to be constantly getting attention I don’t want from people I don’t like. For instance, I don’t want attention from you and here you are bothering me. But since you already know I’d never fuck you, you resort to name calling because in lieu of sex, anger is

Haha thank you for pointing that out. Ugh. 

Anal is always in style but squirting’s just the new bitch in town.