
The guys who are fixated on making me squirt are not the same guys making me cum.

Yes! I am 37 and for whatever reason I “waited” to get into lingerie. Probably price, but also I feel like lingerie is actually more a mark of maturity and sophistication, i.e. Isabelle Rupert, Selma Hayek, etc. I have been thinking lately I want to explore it a little so this is perfect. Yay!

The way that I feel ... stigmatized or mansplained about my sexuality is in the fact that with the rise of squirting in porn now guys want to “make me squirt.” It’s all the rage the way anal was like 10 years ago. Except I don’t do it naturally so they think that because it is a question of arousal they, with their

When are crimes like this going to be categorized has hate crimes? It says a lot about us as a society that we are so used to violence against women that it’s not considered a hate crime even if it targets women for being women. 

Good on Justin for needing help, asking for it and being open about it. Wouldn’t it be a delightfully surprising turn of events if he ended up being a good role model. 

No but that wouldn’t surprise me either.

I have heard from reputable sources that he is super into young women who look like girls. Nothing illegal-illegal but I find that “barely legal” thing to be very suspect.

What he said and thought and did was 100% racist. But I also think white people who don’t think they are racist need to be admitting how racism works if we want to actually have real dialogues about it and it’s not helpful when everyone loses their shit at someone whenever they do.

I am a pretty rigorous Zen student (hence the name). And this story is an extreme example, but I was coincidentally having a deep dialogue with a friend yesterday about what makes someone “qualified” to be a mindfulness/meditation teacher. I was taking a pretty hard line on the side that ethics training ... i.e. a

Thank you for this. I had a hard time putting a clear thought behind what REALLY unsettled me about this documentary. It was the cliche way the narrative was told but with the air of something new or fresh, which it was not. What it was, was the same bullshit male gaze. But it did unintentionally reveal an extreme

No, never. It wasn’t something immigrants went to the police about. It’s not really something anyone went to the police about in the 60s. But especially not immigrants about their handicapped daughter. When she was older she lived in a home and they found out some dirty old man was picking her up and taking her away

I am 37 and I still tell my nephew the chicken butt joke. He is 6 and doesn’t think it is nearly as funny as I do.

A lot of what happened to my aunt was in the 50s and 60s when she was a teenager. There was no societal understanding or caring for a disabled girl. And her parents were immigrants. Violence wasn’t an option. 

My aunt was severely mentally disabled and was assaulted several times throughout her life. It traumatized our whole family. Like inter generational trauma that still reverberates through our relationships to this day even after her passing. This is disgusting and I’m shocked and horrified and my heart is broken and

I’ve heard he has a thing for the barely legal type. Not a pedo or anything, just likes women who look like teenagers. 

Yeah, it’s pretty sketch she won’t say, “I condemn Farrakhan’s statements.” She either doesn’t condemn them or she doesn’t feel she can outright condemn them without pissing off other allies (i.e. The Nation of Islam and its supporters).

I’m hoping it’s an inside joke. Because coming from the robot king of our AI future it is particularly weird without context. 

I loathe comic books or graphic novels or whatever you call them. I loathe gratuitous violence, I loathe oversimplified characters and hokey love stories ... but I love John Bernthal. I love him enough to throw all my values straight out da window. #punisher #swoon

I’d say these aren’t bad sexts and aren’t really sexts at all. Bad at sexting would be more like “First, I’m going to put my hot dog in your bun.”

I am okay with lust inspired. They can be both lust inspired and heartfelt.