
Even if Bruce Lee was arrogant, he was portrayed as a blow hard. I don’t think one is arrogant or a blow hard for thinking they can kick ass ... if, indeed, they can kick ass. 

Bitch are you for real!?

Exactly, me too. No magnify that to the BEST OF EVERYTHING. She’s fine looking but not naturally beautiful, just rich. 

Funny, Goopy and I finally agree on something. That she’s not particularly beautiful. Most of her “beauty” is privilege. Take money, clothes, private gym, the best skincare, dental care, hair care away and drop her in middle america and she’d be just another middle aged woman with a few extra pounds to lose and the

BEST KNOWN FOR TURKISH DELIGHT YOU MEAN! - Said horny 12-year-old me who liked dirty European films. 

I generally try not to judge other people’s decisions but anyone who falls for the engagement ring/diamond scam is not using their brain.

It’s prestigious.

I am a white woman and I don’t trust most white women. My wallet is most likely to get nicked in a downtown yoga or pilates class than just about anywhere else. 

When Harry Met Sally is the only good Rom Com ever made. The finale is great. They belong together in all their neurotic glory. The End.

I went to Interlochen Arts Camp from 1993-1996 and had an amazing time there. The camp was very strict about how and when campers were allowed to come and go. But this still gives me the mega creeps. 

I’m not optimistic they will, but certainly agree and hope that at least some of them do.

Preach. Someone was paying him to collect dirt on the rich and famous.

These were young girls maybe from not very worldly families, they also very well did not know who these men were. Just that they were rich and powerful. I mean when I was 15-16 I wouldn’t have known who Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz were.

Same. I was born in 1981 and Keanu was my main crush (still is). I may or may not have discovered MY sexuality to Point Break. He is my 4 eva bae.

I graduated with a Master’s degree in journalism in 2007 LOL. I work in media but I am not doing anything resembling the “informer of the people” fantasy I had coming in. 

I actually think there are lots of of guys who think they are “good guys” who behave the way he did who saw it and were like “ohhhh nooo, I’m a scumbag.” Then of course they made it all about them, but baby steps are still steps.

They’re just sperm donors with good hair.

Wer’re making our own, or should I say excavating our own from underneath the rubble or patriarchy. The Goddess(es) is/are coming back and they pissed,

That was a great season. I’d say the first three were great... New York, SF and LA. It was drama but it was also a learning opportunity. Then it was down hill. 

I really don’t like Tom Cruise so this isn’t being being all Team Xenu, but he would destroy Justin Bieber.