
You prove my point. Whenever anyone leans into criticism of Israel it always deteriorates into them being called anti-semitic. Always. At some point when you have no other argument, you resort to that. It’s not your fault, I’m sure you’ve been deeply conditioned by fear and propaganda to do so. You don’t even realize

This is wrong. 

I am opposed to ethno-centric nationalism.

That’s not a response to the point I am making. That’s an evasion.

So the author needs to articulate why Walker or this Icke guy’s anti-zionist views are anti-semetic, here she uses them as synonymous, which was and continues to be my critique. WIthout explanation she is perpetuating the notion that it is understood, without clarification that people who are criticial of Israel hate

And to be clear I do not think antisemitism is a critique. Anti-Zionism is a critique, anti-semitism is an abomination.

Yes, this is why it is important for those who are critical of israel to not conflate the two. If we also conflate the two we are contributing to the dog whistling of the two while allowing for the continued silencing of criticism of Israel’s policies. They have to be pulled apart as two different concepts, two

I’m sure he is an anti-semite, but my argument remains that she lumps anti-semitism and anti-zionism as being equally abhorrent. If wanted to argue that his Anti-Zionism IS anti-semetic it would have been important for her to articulate that.

No, because you continue to conflate anti-zionism with anti-semitism. One is a religion or perhaps a peoples and the other is ethno-nationalism.

It’s funny how the men’s rights movement and white nationalist movements claim that other people’s struggle for liberation is actually oppressive to them.

I am against ethno-centric nationalism. Period. I am not anti Christians because I do not think America is a Christian country. 

Ms. Merlan had an entire article, opportunity for rewrites and editorial input to articulate a clear and intentional point of view. I had 5 minutes in the comments section. If Jezebel would like to give me equal word count I’d be happy to lay out my point of view more articulately. Suggesting that the standards should

I don’t think you do separate them out besides paying lip service to the fact they are two different terms. You strongly imply they are in the same category if not the same, and certainly that they both fall under the umbrella of this crazy guy’s crazy beliefs. Hitler was a vegetarian and you wouldn’t say, “Hitler has

He sounds like a nut but you put being anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic in the same breath here several times as if they are both abhorrent. Being anti-Semitic IS abhorrent, being anti-Zionist is not. I get real tired of the two being conflated as if criticizing Israel necessarily means one is a bigot. It’s bullying and

What is life if not a series of calculated risks? My cost-benefit analysis falls strongly in favor of risking death for a taste of homemade cookie dough. 

Now playing

I loved that movie even then! I’ve been telling my idiot friends “dance boy dance!” for decades.

Many of the people who believe that are being emotionally manipulated by false and lopsided information from the people who are invested in keeping poor people poor. Abortion rights do not stop rich people from getting abortions, even “anti-abortion” rich people. It stops poor people from getting self medical care

This is my favorite horror movie of all time. I’ve probably watched it at least 200 times, no joke. But what is interesting is I watched it the most towards the end of my active alcoholism. I started drinking alone at home because I was afraid of blacking out in the bars and streets of NYC, so I’d just drink on my

I personally think P Tape stands for pedophile. Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew were all at these underage girl sex parties orchestrated by Epstein.

I feel sorry for him and his family and I think the islanders had every right to respond the way they did. I think it’s perfectly possible to feel compassion for someone in their ignorance and hold them accountable for their actions at the same time.