
I guarantee she is so unhappy but someone told her that the only way for her is to marry rich so she’s putting up with the gross man baby who probably doesn’t shower, doesn’t know how to make love to a woman and talks about himself all the time. I feel bad for her that she doesn’t know her prison is of her own

It’s not right and it’s not okay but the truth is when it comes to racism in America white people are dumb as shit beginners. A few are starting to wake up but it takes really cheesy anecdotal, symbolic moments like this at a basic level for a lot of white people go to “ohhhhh so racism IS still a thing.” This was for

My first paid reporting gig was at the Baraboo News Republic. I never covered Nazis, but I did rescue a kitten and learn a lot about 4H. That is all.

You forgot Bricksandstones.blogspot.com. Classic.

The only umbrage I take with this is that Idris Elba is too sexy for People Magazine.

The things I would let this man do to me are simply unspeakable...

Yeah I was never a fan of their culture, I always found it to be douchy. The Sangha I am a member of is very pointedly working on racism, undoing white supremacy, undoing patriarchy, supporting POC leaders, etc. So that keeps me a little optimistic, but mostly I’m just assuming garbage humans will be garbage and

Welcome to my world. i’m a pretty dedicated Zen practitioner and right now I’m “sitting with” nihilist as fuck.

My boss would feel very inconvenienced if I tried to honor him on national boss day so in honor of national boss day I am not trying to honor him.

Now playing

Kanye is not wrong that time is a myth, physicists are finding something along those lines.

Now playing

Tom Hardy. Yes. Hot. Riz Ahmed Yes. Hot. Tom Hardy rapping with his baby makes my ovaries ache.

I 100% believe her. She is a mess but  that’s what made her an easy target for him.

Yeah I think that probably is closer to the truth.

This is what i  think, too. It far from exonerates him. But it also is very compelling that Mia was abusive, too. And this left Soon Yi open to being groomed by a predator.

I usually say he’s the herpes sore but the whole body is infected with the virus.

Chicago is so racist. It may be  yanks and it may be a democratic stronghold but this isn’t gonna do jack shit. Racism is at the very core of Chicago’s infrastructure. 

One step closer to #Gilead. Naturally men will use low birth rates as an excuse to re-enslave/enslave women. 

God I wish I’d been there. I would have heckled the shit out of that ass hat. The only thing worse than a MAGA asshole is a guy who women trust because he claims to get it but is really a fucking predator.

YES. Exactly.

She seems like a nice person who cares about him but if I were to wager a bet, she also needs him to need her. The minute he is truly healthy is the minute she’s gonna loose her shit. She could probably use some Al-Anon herself. That’s not to shame her. I’m alcoholic and Al-Anonic. Takes one to know one.