
That does seem a little messed up considering how much Mega Man stuff Nintendo has promoted. It’s especially weird that it’s coming to the 3ds and not the Wii U. All I can say is the 3DS version better have 3D visuals ala 3D classics to make up for it.

I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI

New weapon and map for Splatoon, you say? Launching tonight, you say? I know what I’m doing after work.

It’s hard for me to have anything but bad feelings about this.

Problem is, then it wouldn’t be a Witcher game. The TES games are my favourite series, in large part because of the character customization, but they can’t do that for a game based on a series of books that are intensely character-driven by Geralt and co.

110 is for his time. If anyone thinks that his time isn’t worth all that then they can go right the hell to work for themselves and say thanks for documenting the process for free. FFS people.

I will laugh at all the people who got this game on Day1 when I buy my Complete Edition for cheaper

Now playing

Thats a two years old Pre-Rendered E3 Trailer, what did you expect?!

This is a real in-engine trailer that show how the game actually turned out, without falling in false advertising, released months ago and showing everything people should expect from the game

And I haven’t really seen any good alternative proposed; if there is no target render, the developers will have no target to hit, and the final game will look bland. If there IS a target render, the developers will come very close to hitting it, but the slight remaining discrepancy gets torn to shreds by bloggers and

Meh... This happens with most game developments. Yes, target renders are sometimes made with the game hardware, but target renders lack a considerable amount of real gameplay features, freeing a lot of processing power to focus solely on graphics. Target renders will almost always look better because of this.

There’s a lot of weird, misdirected anguish going on in the responses here. A lot of people are making the correlation that Monolith Soft IS Nintendo, and that Nintendo is directly affecting how ‘pretty’ their game is. Unless Iwata himself comes out and says that he colluded with this downgrade, assuming so is

It could be that it’s a dynamic asset. I haven’t followed this too closely, so you might have information to prove me wrong, but the left trailer looks like an FMV. The video on the right looks like actual game engine.

I’d agree that the tech specs are miles behind what should be acceptable in 2015, but dammit if I don’t love my Wii U. Nintendo’s lineup is way too good to pass up. It may be basically a machine for first party games at this point, but I’ve had more fun with it this year than I have with anything else.

Shitpile? Are you 5 years old?

And yet this shitpile has some of the best games on the market right now.

Hahaha same with me...the only one still sealed is the Gold Mario, but the rest are outside on display but ready to use when needed.

Uh, no. People that ask if they’re being harassed at work often ask because they feel uncomfortable but they don’t know if they have the “right” to feel uncomfortable, or if it’s their fault for being uncomfortable or if they’re taking things too seriously. The letter writer had to ask, and he specifically said he was

Well done. I will use this in the future and take credit for it. :)

This is getting really stupid. First I am told I cannot buy a Lucario figure because they are sold out 2 MONTHS before release, and now this crap? I am not going to pay some scalper $50 for something that is only limited because scalpers bought them all! I can understand the limited edition Zelda game getting sold out

I just spent 45 minutes in line behind a woman ranting about “stupid Oriental logic” regarding nintendo’s sales, who was repeatedly “instructing” the poor Game Stop employee - “Reboot your computer, reset your router, try a different internet”, etc. I feel bad for those of us hoping to get a Ness, but worse for the