
That’s what I ended up doing. The Series X is in the game room on the 4K TV & surround sound, while my Series S is in my room on a still nice 1080p with a soundbar for playing some games & just relaxing to curl up & stream TV shows. The only one more convenient to move from room to room is the Switch with multiple

I agree the magnets would be a nice upgrade (especially given the cost)...but I don’t think they could be reversible given their precise fitting to the vents, USB port, & disc drive...everything would be on the wrong side lol!  (but I do like where your ideas were going!)

Side note...when you set the cards up you can tell the system to treat the memory as either staying with the system it’s in at all times, or prep it to move between hardware. Keep that in mind if you have trouble moving between them as you may have to reformat it possibly. 

Yeah, neither systems options are perfect but both have great benefits in their own ways. It really depends on your setup & such to see where you benefit the most. I’ve bought 3 1TB expansion cards so far because I can keep them in the systems & swap them out easily while also taking them to friends houses. But I’ve

The problem though is that if you ever need to upgrade again(with the games being larger & larger) from say an installed 2TB drive, you have to buy a 4TB drive just to get 2TB more, while losing access easily to the 2TB you had. While the MS ones do cost more, they are hot swappable between Series X or S & easy to

I bought an extra expansion card for this & Microsoft Flight Simulator so I wouldn’t have to worry about space & can just move the card between my Series X in the game room & the Series S in my bedroom as easily as moving a memory card about. But yeah...some of these games are just getting ridiculously large! But I’ll

Or the direct generations that are the same architecture but with some clock speed enhancements and such...Gamecube to Wii to Wii U lol. 

Bravo for probably one of the best modern takes on that songs meaning...damn does it fit horribly well in regards to social media lol. 

Right...but all of the other MGS 2 & 3 ports & such for other non-PlayStation systems didn’t so it’s not something they haven’t already solved for. :)

MGS2 was already ported to Xbox back a bit after the PS2 release & MGS3 was also on 3DS around launch, so they have means of porting them without the pressure sensitive buttons already out there. They both were included in the HD Collection releases for PS3/360/Vita. 

Same. Brings up a friend who told me how great it was running on his Steam Deck...& I wondered what was the point because you couldn’t go anywhere with it lol. I would be worried I’d lose connection just walking from one end of the house to the other & there is a wireless handoff between routers. I’m hoping they end

Waiting for the new articles on the best way to place your PS5 so you can play in the bathroom like people sometimes did with the Wii U lol. Electrical cables in the walls & the materials themselves can reek havoc on in house WiFi & I guarantee this will fall victim to it as well for many.

Also we don’t know how long the “connection” time will be on this. Even just having to boot it up & get it streaming could take longer than just...picking up the Switch & it instantly switching to portable mode. The Switch is just so streamlined in its functionality while losing almost no gameplay capability between

What stops someone from just calling in & having their number changed once they are banned? And what if someone does get a phone & find they are stuck with a number that is blocked for cheating? (yes they could also call & have it changed, but that number would still be used) I know the odds are fairly low, but they

I always enjoyed when an achievement would come with an item or whatever...it just felt like I had earned a little something extra instead of just making a number go up lol. They were stupid but in a fun way cause...why not. :)

Very telling that the Mickey Mouse logo on the Keyblade is the ONLY Disney related thing that seems to have made it. No music, no worlds, no Donald/Goofy, etc. It’s stripped of over half of what made the series which just seems...bad. Add onto that the fact that all 3 Kingdom Hearts games are streaming only & this

It’s....on the side with the bottom lol :)  I’m more curious what will happen in the long run with the one between the speakers honestly lol. 

Because they aren’t meant to “justify” anything...they are just better ways to play some classic games in a great collection. My youngest son is currently working his way through the Halo series so it’s all new to him...and I will be happy to coop it with him but have it run even smoother now.

I am curious if the physical copies will have the DLC on the disc/cart, instead of as just downloads, which would make this basically the “Komplete Edition” for 11 I have long waited for lol. :D Will be picking it up for Switch & Xbox One if that ends up being the case.

Zenspath 4 Button Podcast :)