
When we covered it on our show it was fairly simple. I just said that if it can be played currently on an Xbox One...then it will be playable on an Xbox Series X from launch. That was it. No confusion & perfectly clear. They already have a great (and easy to find) list of what older games can be played on the Xbox One.

Or...you know...they can actually use new and different ways to play instead of just making the same minigames over and over.  Expecting everything to work just like it used to basically leaves you with the same people arguing the SNES shouldn’t have been made because the NES only had 2 buttons...so why did it have to

You’re honestly expecting a game, designed around party groups and motion controls, to work on a subway or car? If Rock Band came to switch, would you be upset you couldn’t carry the drums with you too? Not EVERY game has to be made for portability...just like there are games that don’t allow for play on the TV

It is one thing that Microsoft didn’t cave back then and a whole different thing now when Sony wouldn’t. It locked players out of their accounts unless they stayed on the PS4. As soon as the Switch version came out and people realized that they were being told where they could play their game & spend their money...it

Because if I want a game like this where I can play it where I want in the way I want...then the Switch is the easiest answer. Its been a fantastic system that the others just can’t compete with in the name of convenience and access. Plus the sales numbers for many titles have been REALLY high for the Switch release,

Oh all of mine were day one purchases. :) 

Looking at my SNES and NES ones right now and they both have one. :)

Um...my NES Classic AND SNES Classic Editions both came with the AC adapter...so...why are they saying it didn’t? I even pulled both of them out JUST to make sure I wasn’t remembering it wrong lol. 

If it was just one typhoon then it’s probably just skipped to World 2, 3, or 4. But if there was a second one...check World 8.

Take into account the games that support single joycons though would be perfectly playable. 4 face buttons, one start button, 2 shoulder buttons, and the joystick. Could use the Z button in place of the joystick clicking in and you would have a tiny dpad as extra.

I do photography for the students at my sons High School and share the pictures/videos/etc with all of the parents through Google Drive so everyone can have them. Heck, I even pay for the 1TB storage just for this. So...it’s not really clear if I have to find an alternative now or what...

One of my favorites was Toy Commander on the Dreamcast. An entire game that takes place through rooms of a house as you control toys fighting eachother. Still fun to play today!

I am BEYOND happy to see this continue to be a thing on Nintendo systems. My daughter has been able to join in with us on Mario Kart thanks to the automatic steering as well. The look on her face when she was able to finish Rainbow Road (her favorite because of the color) was priceless. These extra functions (from the

Frame rate is a touch better on PS4 or X1, but I prefer having my own screen to play on with my kids than the annoying split screen. Reason why we play Lego games ONLY on Wii U lol.

Wouldn’t be too hard to take or find a picture of the current PS4 next to the controller, then use that to “scale” the images to each other based on the controller next to the slim. Doubt they are drastically (if at all) changing the size/shape of this controller if its real.

The new Xbox One controller that came with the X1S or sold seperate now has Bluetooth built in for things like this. Wouldn’t be a bad option possibly as its REALLY easy to just sync it between systems. :)

I would LOVE to get Supergirl for Dimensions as my daughter would enjoy it greatly. But I am not getting it on PS4 because we use the ability to play without split screen on Wii U...and as stated above...we already HAVE the game. I can understand console exclusive characters for games like this if it is actually a

It looks like a finished game NOW....just imagine the work and fine tuning they can do with 9 more months at least lol. Can’t wait to see the NX version too. Going to pull a Twilight Princess and get both again. ;)

I look at this as a possible console version of what lead to the Hyrule Warriors Legends issue. Yeah, it can run in a “base mode” on the old 3DS...but it runs WAY better on the “NEO-3DS”. That would fit the requirements, but make the older version just an excuse. I could easily see PS4 games running into these issues

Ports are a whole other beast though. Its not a simple “emulation” as these are doing with the New 3DS, those games had to be rebuilt from the ground up to take into account the new hardware and make necessary changes to make them run. This is why Super Mario 64 was on the DS, SNES games were on the GBA, etc....they