
Because, y’know, E3 isn’t around the corner at all and they totally didn’t do the same thing last year.

Nothing amazing? Did you see the Fire Emblem x Persona game being FINALLY revealed? Or how increible the new FE looked? How about getting Fatal Frame at long last? And how many legs they are giving to games released long ago? This Direct was soooo good.

Not really a complaint about the game so much as a complaint about the way people react to things? I want to see decent female characters too, for sure, but why is it such an issue (as it apparently has become, looking at forums both in the west and Japan) that this particular entry to the series does not have a

What exactly did I say that required you to tell me to get over myself? I'm saying it's basically a damned if they do damned if they don't scenario. I've loved most of the girls in previous FF games and thought that the majority were well written (even if some were kinda grating to have around), but that doesn't mean

It doesn't matter if they write her well. That will still happen.

OH FFS! Speaking AS a female gamer, I couldn't give a shit if they add a female party member. I'm not in the pretty-boy fem-fanservice demographic either. I just want the main party to feel like real people with a bit of freaking personality. Who honestly, REALLY cares about whether or not there's a playable female?


Agree with you but diversity for diversity's sake is not sincere it is just pandering.

Going to get so hyped over Splatoon

They said they wanted to get starfox out before Zelda U is released in the video game awards footage. That implies they wanted to release it in 2015 too.

The "No Win" rhetoric of the Nintendo skeptics:

Why are your hands getting so sweaty? You might want to start exercising a bit. For your own sake.

That would basically be perceived as giving up on the Wii U, which would piss off Wii U owners. While it does make sense in some ways to do that, It would also make a lot of people wary of buying another Nintendo console, for fear that they will drop it as soon as it under performs. They need to let it go a year or

WiiU has a lot of great games right now, but both the PS4 and the Xbox One are pretty barren. I think it'll look a lot better by this time next year, and MS is really pushing hard right now - but we've got to basically hope that Bloodborne is phenomenal otherwise there's no point having anything other than a PC for

it's not about his kids. It os in reference to a league of legends player who flipped the fuck out on his parents for asking him to come to dinner while he was playing

Your response seems so loaded I'm not even certain whether I should respond to it, but here goes.

I feel like I heard in an IGN NVC Podcast that they lifted that. 87% certain.

It certainly can be an issue. It's not a matter of needing to 'catch up' to modern technology; just the fact that every component comes with a cost in terms of PCB space, and the circle pad is the single biggest offender other than the actual screen. The circle pad's housing takes up a rather tremendous amount of

So I've looked at my New 3DS and I sure do see enough space for them to have put a second circle pad. Just move those start and select buttons somewhere else!

As for the nub...I appreciate its function, and it's definitely useful. Otherwise...I don't really like the material it's made of. It feels like a button made for toddlers or something, built to withstand that abuse. It doesn't really move when you tilt it, either, which makes it hard to gauge how hard you should

That Kirby is just too cute to be allowed. Can't we give him a gritty reboooaaawww...he's rolling after the apple! <3