
Hopefully, the dlc part of the leak is fake.

I personally don't care even if that was true... But good to know you guys took your time to investigate this properly. :)

More like "Nintendo fans don't buy bargain basement ports and expect quality from the games they purchase."

I too have a CRT for Duck Hunt.

hell, even wii fit trainer wears a similar (albeit slightly more covering) outfit. You don't even need to leave smash to make your point.

Either way I guess, but I like having a physical copy of my games.

One of these, four controllers, a copy of Double Dash, and you are SET.

I would love to get an article about the Wii U that doesn't take pot shots in the opening statements.

I would love to get an article about the Wii U that doesn't take pot shots in the opening statements.

No Wii U version is pretty baffling. In fact, I would have expected this to be a Wii U exclusive.

how could you even try selling that? All sports titles are obsolete the moment the next one releases. And then their servers get shut down. A quarter is being generous for 2008.

You are never getting Zelda on your PS4

People just wanna bitch more about GameStop. Let em. I work at one now and honestly it's really eye-opening. It's a corporation and sometimes the policies seem harsh but honestly it's because some people are awful. They're the ones who ruin things for everyone. The morons. Not Gamestop.

exactly! ^_^

"I like to know what they're saying."




As we speak, I'm in the middle of reporting and writing a lengthy story for this afternoon, which you'll see shortly, for free. Yesterday, I spent several hours of my weekend transcribing interviews for more stories which you'll see this week, for free. Last week, while I was on vacation, I spent about 80% of my time

I preferred the Brawl in the Family from earlier in the week.

You realize that Thor has been a Disney Prince for five years now, right?

They actually have made a lot of new IPs over the years like Rhythm Heaven and Brain Age but I guess you chose to ignore those.