
bob just showed that it is a rip off imho

Simply having a female protagonist is now a selling point on a game. That's just... Dumb on so many levels.

There you have it: all you need is a female lead and Kotaku will back your game, even if it's unoriginal.

Time for Nintendo to sue.

If the only thing remarkably different about it (According to this three sentence article) is the characters gender and some seemingly less important crafting element it doesn't seem worth my money.

Speaking as one of the two "Lovable Nerds" who put this video together... Thanks! and yes, we are.

"Ubi..... You've got some 'splainin to do!"

I resent that. The key difference is that on TAY we don't have the pricks and trolls (such as yourself) who are running rampant on Kotaku. If you don't like the writing on either, I kindly ask you "Why the fuck are you even here?"

Hey kid, at if you had the bloody fucking gull to insult Pac-man. Get his god damn name right.

I'm not having a go here, but are you "all there" in the head? To even suggest that there are more people who know who Simon Belmont is, than those who know who Pac Man is; transcends the realms of fucktardery.

the WiiU is STILL not a real next gen system!

Wii U = 6.3 Million

There already is metroid IV. Its Fusion. So Metroid V

Like a little hard drive hat.

I Predict Resident Evil Revelations 2, for the 3DS

Nintendo will up the Wii U to 128GB of storage. (Justification: They appear to be phasing out at least one of the 32GB models. They love bragging about how many copies of their new games are bought digitally. And because it's the year 2014 and a console with only 32GB of internal storage, well... that ain't right.)

Nobody is saying complaints can't exist. But you can't interject a thread of sexism in the discussion just because a creator wants a male protagonist. It can simply have to do with creative taste. In regards to this issue, game creators are painted as bad guys without any benefit of the doubt. Games have almost

He has considered it...and rejected it. Just like Tomb Raider has never had a "Larry Croft" as a playable characcter, some stories cannot be told from a neutral-gender perspective. And as he said: if you don't like his choice, don't buy it. Not everybody is a sellout, thank God for that. Oh, I hope my use of "God" in

The progress happens when someone who wants to make a game with a woman/gay/minority or whatever character does so. But pushing an artist towards making something they don't want is hardly progress.