
hell, even wii fit trainer wears a similar (albeit slightly more covering) outfit. You don't even need to leave smash to make your point.

Either way I guess, but I like having a physical copy of my games.

One of these, four controllers, a copy of Double Dash, and you are SET.

I would love to get an article about the Wii U that doesn't take pot shots in the opening statements.

I would love to get an article about the Wii U that doesn't take pot shots in the opening statements.

No Wii U version is pretty baffling. In fact, I would have expected this to be a Wii U exclusive.

how could you even try selling that? All sports titles are obsolete the moment the next one releases. And then their servers get shut down. A quarter is being generous for 2008.

You are never getting Zelda on your PS4

People just wanna bitch more about GameStop. Let em. I work at one now and honestly it's really eye-opening. It's a corporation and sometimes the policies seem harsh but honestly it's because some people are awful. They're the ones who ruin things for everyone. The morons. Not Gamestop.

exactly! ^_^

"I like to know what they're saying."




As we speak, I'm in the middle of reporting and writing a lengthy story for this afternoon, which you'll see shortly, for free. Yesterday, I spent several hours of my weekend transcribing interviews for more stories which you'll see this week, for free. Last week, while I was on vacation, I spent about 80% of my time

I preferred the Brawl in the Family from earlier in the week.

You realize that Thor has been a Disney Prince for five years now, right?

They actually have made a lot of new IPs over the years like Rhythm Heaven and Brain Age but I guess you chose to ignore those.

Simply having a female protagonist is now a selling point on a game. That's just... Dumb on so many levels.

Time for Nintendo to sue.

Nobody is saying complaints can't exist. But you can't interject a thread of sexism in the discussion just because a creator wants a male protagonist. It can simply have to do with creative taste. In regards to this issue, game creators are painted as bad guys without any benefit of the doubt. Games have almost

He has considered it...and rejected it. Just like Tomb Raider has never had a "Larry Croft" as a playable characcter, some stories cannot be told from a neutral-gender perspective. And as he said: if you don't like his choice, don't buy it. Not everybody is a sellout, thank God for that. Oh, I hope my use of "God" in

The progress happens when someone who wants to make a game with a woman/gay/minority or whatever character does so. But pushing an artist towards making something they don't want is hardly progress.