The game is running at 60fps now :)
The game is running at 60fps now :)
Or without half of the controls.
They showed it working with a DS4 as a pass through to get to the PS4. The Vita games play with a DS3. I understand they could do an update to support it, but it still drops some of the controls for games which gives devs less reason to support them (like the front touchscreen/touchpad)
They made it pretty clear that it won't actually...even to the point of adding in Nintendo content into the game itself. Nintendo probably has that whole series under a SERIOUS contractual lock down because it has been selling through the roof in both countries.
Heck, I enjoyed playing FPS games on the DS MORE than with traditional dual stick set ups because the touchscreen acted like a mouse for precision aiming and the d-pad handled movement. Add that I could usually customize where icons were on the bottom for specific actions or items (like grenades and the like)...and I…
Yeah, but there will ALWAYS be people confused about things. Imagine how it will be later this year when Grandma goes to buy a game for her grand-kids who just got an Xbox One and she ends up with an Xbox 360 game, or vice versa. Same deal with PS4 and PS3. I have had to have the conversations for years simply why…
It's a digital version for the Wii U which would be nice, but I prefer the nice hardback version I have now!
That seems more likely. :)
Could have just as easily said "Wii would like to play with U". Wii U and Wii 2 sound so similar most people would mix them up regardless. It is a new system with a new control scheme. I don't see what is so hard about it.
Hey! That's my line lol! :p
I believe it was originally supposed to mean "Developers System" if I remember from before it's launch. Actually, here it is straight from -
Well, if it was the only way you could see the screen...then so would you lol. :)
Can understand. Difficulty was what you made of it in that game. There were extra things to find, there were the challenges of trying to get pictures of everything for the side mission (this could get pretty hard with limited shots during a boss fight), as well as hidden treasures and other secrets spread all over…
Understand. :) I still play the original game and my kids have LOVED it. We have all been playing through it again so that when the new one comes out, we can really appreciate the updates that have been made.
There is a section of the game later on that tended to be many peoples sticking point which has been streamlined along with them making things like sailing optionally faster.
I PERSONALLY wouldn't call it the best, but DAMN was it GOOD lol. Surprisingly dark story though.
Yeah but they have increased the draw distance, redone the textures, fixed some of the biggest complaints people had about the title, added in some new features that are Wii U specific, and then tossed in a Hero Mode as a bonus for people like me and you that loved the original and still have it to this day.
Honestly, I think even some of the trolls have called a truce on it and smiled lol. A few have made it through, but it doesn't bother me. And she won't hear that part of it anyways. Everyone has been super positive about all of this from the start!
Yes! lol. Fantastic!
If anyone has ready my story yet ( then my choice is clear! Nabbit!