Wait a minute...only ROBOTS can do that! :p
Wait a minute...only ROBOTS can do that! :p
Yeah, I have already seen a few examples of that, but she won't have to deal with it. For her it's nothing but the upside of getting to play the games.
Yeah, but we couldn't get the Virtual Boy to quite work for her when we tried it lol. Plus as you can see..she doesn't sit still...EVER. :) So this lets her move but still see and play.
I would love to actually talk with the developers of it to see if future work could be done to make it usable for people with limited sight to see better in some way.
Thanks! After being married for 13 years and have three kids who were all premature and in NICU's...we kinda have to be optimistic when we can be lol.
3DS and Vita are mine lol. She isn't much for using those...too many buttons and she gets confused. That's why I like her using the Wii Remote...the way she holds things lets her use the D-Pad and "2" button easily and she likes/understands to "shake" the controller if she is stuck in a bubble. Sometimes it takes…
Thanks! :)
I sure wouldn't say no to it lol.
I will gladly brag I get to see that smile every day :)
Thanks for posting this Luke. I'm still kinda shocked at how fast this has spread. I made a post to my site this morning about it, sent it to a few people I talk to on Twitter, put up a message on Gamepolitics to make a few people smile since most of the news has been fairly negative lately, then went to school.
I thought she would have problems...but WOW...she was making it to the end of the levels. She falls with some of the pits, moving platforms and such, but honestly...she was doing REALLY well. Plus if she dies in a particularly tricky spot I will try and rush out of there before her bubble pops.
I play it! (just not nearly as much as the 3DS that was next to it lol). I've been playing Need for Speed lately.
You should see if I had turned around lol. About 2,000 games, a bunch of toys, and an arcade machine. That was part of my frustration because for all of it (almost 30 years of collecting) I couldn't find something she could "connect" with and play until now.
Part of why it worked is because for her to play she only has to worry about the D-Pad, the "2" button, and teaching her to "shake" the controller when she is stuck in a bubble so Daddy can save her lol. It's not only that she has severe vision impairment, but she also has what is called an anoxic brain injury from…
Your welcome :) I've been trying to think of a way for her to play since she was born (she's 9 now) and while it has been a challenge..yesterday (and today with the video you see above) was a better pay off than I had ever hoped. As my wife said..you just lost your GamePad privilege lol.
LOLOLOL That has to be one of the best jokes involving my last name in awhile that did NOT wander into Austin Powers territory lol.
I'm her dad lol. I'm the one talking in the video and recording who wrote the original article. I had NO idea when I did that before class this morning it was going to spread like THIS though. Just...wow...
And in regards to using it as a tool, it could help her focus enough to play a board game with us without having to lean all over the board and knock pieces over. Or heck, just be able to read a book from a more traditional distance instead of using a big CRT camera system she slides the book under and it blows the…
You would be surprised how well she can do just running around. She has a tendency for her eyes to "pivot back and forth" when she is trying to focus on something at any distance. If it is an object that is close, she can see it well enough. The screens on the Occulous would be within that range for her. Then the…
EXACTLY! Was thinking of something like this by using the ever shrinking PC's we have now (or maybe even just a cell phone) to operate the screen and control the cameras. Simple backpack for a good long battery life and she would be set.