
By saying you want Nintendo to go multiplatform and quite making hardware, then ALL they are arguing is to make every Nintendo game go to every other system. That covers every system they have ever made including the Wii U. And there are still differences between platforms that pull you one way or the other. I

I've never agreed with this argument. People say their system isn't worth getting, yet they scramble to want the games on "their" console of choice. That is the whole reason you buy a system. You want their games so bad, you buy the console that they are designed for. Period. Look at Sega, it's a shell of their

The physical copy is just the Luigi expansion that can be played by itself instead of requiring New Super Mario Bros U to play.

Or just invest in a Virtual Boy now as well. It will eventually have more playable games and an active used game market than the Xbox One exactly one day after their servers get shut down/taken down by force.

I'm glad you can bring up how much you will enjoy having something for how you play, while completely jumping over my statement of people getting their games and media in the way that they want them. Just because YOU enjoy it one way, doesn't mean it should just be that way for everyone. Seriously, people still buy

There is a huge factor you are passing over though...personal choice. What I want will be as different and varied from each of you as we are different as people. We should be able to choose in what form we want to enjoy our media. This is why some photographers still use film instead of moving to digital. I moved

Actually, isn't ironic to play Watchdogs on the Xbox One...a system that requires you to be online, for a company that is part of PRISM...all the while with a microphone and camera sitting in the room itself.

Multitouch is great if you want to make a picture bigger or use something with no actual controls...yet you have two analog sticks and a full array of buttons right there...have you actually handled or used a GamePad (other than the one which is tethered right in front of a display in a store which feels awkward to be

Earthbound is coming to the Virtual Console...it's a step at least.

I look at it like this...developers are whining and complaining that they can't think of good uses for the GamePad that is included in every Wii U sold and basically screams different ways to play games.

Guess that explains why the PS4 is getting the Knightfall Batman as an exclusive character lol...

And how "collective" will it be when it can't play games anymore lol. I could go now and find a Halo Edition Xbox...and it would work to play games, just not online which I understand. This thing will just not play games...period.

Yep, because those "big guns" are pointed right at your consumer rights :)

I've made the argument, made (from what I thought) were damn good, solid, examples of how this term would apply the same way to other things (including people and their kids) but they still want to argue "it isn't next gen" because it makes them sleep better at night thinking they have thoroughly broken a person's

All I have to say is I am looking forward to this game for sure...and now have another show I would like to watch lol. :)

Other than not having an over priced live show, how are they NOT at E3 proper? They have a booth the size of the other two with their games ready to play, they are hosting live events at Best Buys across the country so we can play some of these games ourselves, and on top of that they will be having their Nintendo

But still there. I keep seeing things that jar me out...their hands, unnatural movements, etc. Same thing happened when they were showing the athletes and soldiers during the Xbox One announcement event. They were great looking, yet felt "dead" to me.

If they ever try to market this as a game that could "bring the family together"...I think I would lose it and just not be able to stop laughing.

Ok, I really like that idea...a lot lol. So as you run at an enemy on the screen, you see it in 3D on the GamePad from the perspective of Samus's visor. Make it swap-able and I think it could work.

Understand. Would be nice to play, but I still play Super Metroid to this day (and now on the Wii U lol). I would prefer a 2D style game for a portable though because I think it would look great in 3D on the 3DS. The Wii U one would need to be a full 3D game that must at LEAST let me use the GamePad as a visor. :)