
Let us ponder this idea...in, lets say 15 years as a long guess for how long the Xbox One authentication servers will be up...the Virtual Boy will have a more active used market and a larger playable game collection that any Xbox One that hasn't been cracked by that time.

Well, it did just get Revelations which I enjoyed greatly on the 3DS and the GamePad does a good job of bringing those features to a console.

And my Wii U...the one people keep laughing about and developers are running from. Sadly I am wondering how many of these larger developers jumped ship just because Nintendo wasn't placing all of these stupid restrictions on their customers?

If a developer wants to broaden their cash flow, they should try and work with less rather than make a dime for a trade off of my rights. And while me and you are the types that don't trade in and we keep our games, many of my friends simply are the opposite. They trade in games in order to get other new games all

In time my friend..in time. :)

The best "dirty" jokes are the ones we make up ourselves...they can keep it clean while we gutter crawl every word.

Got to keep that spice going in a relationship...or this could also break it. Play at your own risk lol.

That comment made me both laugh...and feel kinda sad for ya. I'm sure you will find someone who is at least curious enough to try it just to find out what the hell is going on. :)

If Katamari has taught me anything...it's to give a WEIRD looking game a chance lol. I always enjoy seeing something just off the wall because it shows developers really trying something new and leaving the normal comfort zone for games. I will have to check this out for sure. :)

They can do what they want...I will simply not buy it.

It's attitudes like this, and people using "used games" as the straw man to defend this crap that is letting Microsoft sit on their throne and believe we should all give up our consumer rights to be gifted with whatever games they wish us to have...but only for as long as the magic servers are still running. Once

I don't care if the damn thing can fly me to the moon...with all of the restrictions it wants to place on me I won't be getting it period.

You willing to spend some serious money on that "chance".

Hell, as long as I ended up flying, I would have a dead console by the time I got to my hotel room and could even turn it on.

Actually they are the only company that DOESN'T sell their systems at a loss. They make money on every 3DS and Wii U sold. Even at launch, they stated that the system with one game sale was already profitable. Nintendo goes with more realistic hardware so they can keep the costs low and afford to take more risks.

How am I "hating, disliking, or completely writing off a platform" when I said earlier I use Steam..I have games for it (75 so far), but Steam is not a good fit for what I want to use it for. The fact I have to take my laptop, log into steam, go into offline mode (which doesn't work when my son wants to play a game

I can't loan my games, I can't let family play on different computers, even in the same house, with different games. 10 years from now I won't have to wonder if a game will work when I will have to wonder if Steam will still be around.

I would rather see them do something original instead of heading back for a fourth Metroid. I've always loved the games and the series, but want to see Retro grow.

If the console breaks, Nintendo will be available to fix it. Yes, they have to transfer the data but that is for digital titles only. If 20 years from now I want to pick up a game for my Wii U I will be able to play it. I don't have to wonder if the activation/verification servers are still working, or any of this

Yet they were the only ones that not only carried over everything digital you bought from the Wii, but also lets you play your older titles as well as no restrictions on used games. That seems a LOT more open than other next gen systems to me.