
How am I "hating, disliking, or completely writing off a platform" when I said earlier I use Steam..I have games for it (75 so far), but Steam is not a good fit for what I want to use it for. The fact I have to take my laptop, log into steam, go into offline mode (which doesn't work when my son wants to play a game

I can't loan my games, I can't let family play on different computers, even in the same house, with different games. 10 years from now I won't have to wonder if a game will work when I will have to wonder if Steam will still be around.

I would rather see them do something original instead of heading back for a fourth Metroid. I've always loved the games and the series, but want to see Retro grow.

If the console breaks, Nintendo will be available to fix it. Yes, they have to transfer the data but that is for digital titles only. If 20 years from now I want to pick up a game for my Wii U I will be able to play it. I don't have to wonder if the activation/verification servers are still working, or any of this

Yet they were the only ones that not only carried over everything digital you bought from the Wii, but also lets you play your older titles as well as no restrictions on used games. That seems a LOT more open than other next gen systems to me.

Yeah, not stepping into that world. I have the Wii U because they aren't doing this to me, and I will get the PS4 if they openly and clearly state that they aren't either.

It does, thanks :)

Then I shall add to their cash fund and hope for the best. Looking like a fun game to play thankfully.

They announce this as a Wii U title, I will throw some cash at it for sure. Thinking of doing it for PC as well.

Aw crap...now I have another thing to look for lol.

I was 20 and my wife was 19 when we got married. Been happily together for 13 years next month and have three kids. :) And yes, we are a family of gamers lol.

I also found the Gold Classic Controller Pro which was released for Goldeneye that matches to complete my set lol. Told the kids that now they have no reason to not know which controllers are mine and to leave them alone! :)

Because Nintendo is still using the Wii Remotes with the Wii U instead of dumping everything you have bought and forcing you to buy an entire set of new controllers.

Pretty sure he was talking about the AC adapter...not a controller in the style of the SNES lol.

Any amount makes a difference to be honest and it is my right as a consumer to spend my money how I see fit. If you want to sell something, you can damn sure sell it to whom you want, for the amount you personally agree with, with you own level of complexity and time. Sell it to a store, sell it on eBay, give it to

Honestly I would spend more any day for a physical copy that is MINE than I would a digital one that has to "check in". This is why when I was sent to California for a few months to work I found out real quick (at the time) that I couldn't play my Steam games because I couldn't check in without paying for internet

Yeah, but you will have that game for as long as you want without worrying about licenses and such. I pick up old games all the time to add to my collection. I even go out of my way to find the DLC when they release it on disc when a company is smart enough to do it. This is why when we have LAN parties we can

Seriously, drop Gamestop as the boogy man/straw man argument from this shit! This is about YOUR rights and freedoms to do what you please with what you own. You buy a game, you play a game, then you get to choose to give it away, sell it for another game, throw it out the window...whatever you want. And none of

Any activation like that to play the games kills it for me though. I collect games...well over 1,300 fully playable games ranging over decades of gaming that I can play at any time on any system. With the Xbox One, and even the PS4 if they make the same mistake, you don't have control over how long you can play

I would rather wait a bit to get games I own for life, than get a few titles on launch day that one day will be taken away by DRM when activation servers go away or my internet goes out.