
Out of the 10 physical games I already own for the Wii U just 7 months after it launched, I only have 2 that are first party and the rest are third party. Even more if you count the downloaded eShop titles.

No hate from me. :) I honestly love and prefer the Zelda games...but the beauty of us all being gamers is we have this hobby in common..but don't have to all love the same things. I don't like sports games, while others only like FPS, and even others prefer MMO's, etc.

People keep forgetting that REGARDLESS of how much it costs, we still have to have an activation and it has to check in to work every so often. So even if you buy nothing but brand new and digital ONLY, then you will still be cut off from those games if anything happens to the activation server, your internet goes

I wouldn't call it avoidable at any point since we already have 1 of the 3 consoles for this new generation that doesn't do it at all. And I honestly don't see Microsoft just putting out a "sunset patch" for the entire console because some developers would fight them on it since it could somehow hinder them from

If they wait until the end of life, that will be when their sales finally spike. Otherwise I'm out until that day. I won't waste the money on a game they can just "take away" whenever they want.

Actually Steam makes you verify online every so often or else the games won't work. You can go into Offline mode, but that isn't a permanent solution is it? And what if you upgrade your computer? People do that more often than every 5-7 years (5 years is usually tops for me) and then everything has to be

They can promise a "sunset patch" for the next 8 years, and then just decide not to do it at the last minute. Sony did this to people when they bought the PSPGo and again with the Vita that they would let you transfer a physical game to this digital only format...and then bailed on it at the last minute.

The fact it has to be activated at ALL is the problem. What happens to your games and your scenarios if there is no activation server available, or your friend doesn't have online? Or what happens to your own games, activated and ready to go, when they one day shut these servers off as they move into the following

A fee really isn't the issue (but it would be annoying)...it's the fact these games can be "aged out" right along with the console whenever Microsoft feels like it or something happens to their servers. I have over 172 Xbox 360 games right now with many bought new, but a good deal bought used from different places

Oh you have been missing some stuff then lol. Break those puppies out and make an account at Club Nintendo. You can get a couple exclusive (physical even) Game and Watch collections, I just got the giant 3DS AR card that lets you make a life size Mii/Miis and Mario for pictures which is hilariousness

I always go platinum. The items are better :) I've gotten Platinum every year since they brought the program to America starting with the Mario hat.

You do realize developers don't deserve a dime from you if you decide to give away, sell, burn, or whatever to the games you have purchased. They made their money on that disc when they sold it to the retailer, that retailer sold it to you (which is also how they can do sales and such because they can cut down on

They can end the authentication servers and force you to move to a new system if they even have backwards compatibility. This will be the first console generation where the console makers can "age out" their console whether you want it to or not. So you jump through hoops to not buy used games to "help" them but

Lets take this a step further with how it is being treated by Microsoft though.

And this is why I got the Wii U. They didn't screw me...at all. Full backwards compatibility for discs...and after everyone laughed and complained about their digital set up...they were the ONLY ones to actually let you keep what you bought and brought it over to the new system.

As an avid games collector/librarian/historian/what have you here are the main issues I see with ANY company doing something like this.

It is small, but there also isn't a requirement for installing every game to the system so you just have to worry about DLC and game saves. For a normal user, 32GB (or evn 8GB for really casual players) can last a bit, while people that want to download titles can attach the external drives.

Mine too...the old warhorse from when Sony gave two shits about backwards compatibility and less about charging you again and again to play your games lol.

Have people already forgotten how many bitched and complained that the Wii U had set internal memory and complained that you had to use external HDD and such to expand the memory? They were pissed then but seem happy now. Figures.

I'm actually fine with using something other than traditional controls. I love using the Wii Remote, I have had fun with Kinect, I love the GamePad, hell...I even found a game or two that I enjoy the Move with lol. And actually the new Xbox One controller is one of the things I LIKED about the system. :)