
Because people are whining the Wii u launched with not enough games, yet here you are ok they showed next to nothing. That makes no sense at all. This needs to be a game system FIRST, everything else SECOND. This is why I have always enjoyed Nintendo, they focus on the games when they make a system, not selling ads

It's getting to the point that the PS4 and the Xbox Infinity are just turning into the same box with a different fanboy base and a few exclusives which really bothers me. Consoles were about how unique they were and how each one had strengths and weaknesses that made the games interesting to play in new ways. I'm

Mike, great job on the time lapse...I've always enjoyed doing those with any kid of brick project lol. Also..thanks for the great music find. Amazingly catchy!

It was called "Stunt Race FX" here in the US. Fun game.

That's part of why some of the older games are released on new systems...not everyone has played it before. Plus it is easier for developers to learn new hardware by starting with something hey are familiar with. New titles, at least from third parties, tend to be rougher around the edges than those from the first

Mass Effect I will agree is better on the other systems, but as an EA game and with how they are acting, is that really a surprise? They sent Mass Effect 3 to die when they could have brought the trilogy over just as easily and justified the price for the full complete game...made it a definitive version even. But

I find it funny that people brag games are available on both the 360/PS3 as a good thing, but if a game is available on the Wii U as well..then it must be a bad version and shouldn't be there. It works one way, not both.

I bought the Wii, I bought the Wii U, hell, I have bought most consoles since the Atari 2600 and still have them all hooked up and going.

"Nintendo wouldn't need to pimp upcoming games to induce system sales."

Hey customers period...here are games coming out for a system you can buy right now that already has fun games on it, and now you can experience that more are on the way and know how they will work.

How did Nintendo "fuck up" with the Rayman Demo? Ubisoft is responsible for that as it is their game as well as their delay. The developers didn't want to delay as it was a corporate decision, but everyone that has a Wii U can now get the Rayman Legends App for free and have an ever changing game all the way until

If they "Direct" it...they will come. :)

Well originally they didn't even have different colors, they were just different weapons that was it. The differences are shown because they want the characters to be noticed. To have them all be uniform except for a simple color change always seemed odd. Visually this seems like a natural progression from the art

They have visual differences yes, but so do you and I. People are like that. Raphael is very physical with what he does and brash...so the cracks in his shell make sense.

And this is why backwards compatibility is a good thing. People buying the PS4 this year could have played this game as well, possibly with some console specific extras (things like this have happened before). People will be less likely to spend money on a whole new console if their library has to start from scratch

As a fan of the original cartoon, comics, and movie...I have to say that my friends and I have really enjoyed the new Nickelodeon series. Good fights, nice references, an art style we enjoy. It's a good way to try new things while staying faithful to the basics of the original series I feel.

It's a no win situation that people are blowing up over. Take it out by fixing the bug and avoiding other issues they get called a hate group for it. Leave it in and others are calling them a hate group because it only allows guys to do this...even though it allows the man to become pregnant and is still considered

Links would be great. Love the Firefly kids one. :)

This is why I will be playing the Wii U version of it...your phone screen can already be right there and workable with no extra hardware needed. :)