
Yeah I still have a collection of accessories for the old GameBoy here in my collection as well. Ah the memories.

I bought the Zelda DS...then I got the Zelda 3DS....by GOD I WOULD HAVE THIS!

Then you were lucky enough not have to fight with this monster lol.

I hurt right along with you on that one...ouch.

I never got the NES one (still looking for a good one in the box) but I did manage to grab the Famicom Edition Game Boy Micro. That thing was NICE. :)

You know if you are playing a GameBoy game on the 3DS Virtual Console...you just hold "L" and "R" then press "Y" to swap between a clean black and white display and the original "green" one.

I love how people get all happy and giddy over a tiny touch pad in the middle of a controller but got upset when they were given a nice sized actual touch screen that could function as its own TV when needed. Yep, makes perfect sense lol.

The speaker on the Wii wan't used as much as it could have been, but the effect for the ones that did were pretty nice. Games like Wii Sports Resort and Zelda where the bow and arrow audio would start on the controller then go to the tv as you fired made for a cool little "3d audio" effect. Silent Hill: Shattered

Honestly I find this to be a good move. When they have information to share or things to announce, they can just do it instead of waiting for specific shows or events where they could be swallowed up by other news. As some of the Nintendo Directs that have been released have had some pretty significant news located

Co-Op (more than likely with Robin if it's that much earlier so he may not have been NightWing yet) could be interesting if done right. But that is the issue...can it be done right. If we can wander the city like Crackdown doing challenges, stopping crimes, and solving puzzles...I'm in. Otherwise, let us just stick

This...as a Transformers fan...is how you DO THINGS! All kinds of yes to this ingenious idea lol.

Trying to say that the 3DS is going to kill the Wii U is like saying the Vita will destroy the PS4. They both work together well with their counterpart and both offer completely different, and sometimes similar, games and ideas to their customers. People complained that Nintendo wasn't "HD" with the Wii, but now you

Me and my kids were pretty excited for the Mario Party announcement as we love to play these kinds of games together. And I have always enjoyed the Mario Golf series (especially the handheld ones). So yeah, there is a market out there that likes to know.

If your willing to play something, then actually buy it instead of stealing it. If you don't want a system that is fine..but that doesn't mean you automatically have a right to the games that you ignored.

I gotcha buddy...I gotcha. Well said.

Funny you call Majora's Mask a "cash grab" while saying Twilight Princess is your favorite because of how dark it is. Actually look into Majora's Mask...it's hands down the darkest Zelda I have ever seen. Not all in your face DARKNESS, but actually horribly dark in its tone and its people. Watching as everyone

I'm looking forward to them though. I played GBA on the TV a good deal with the GameBoy Player on the GameCube and the Wii U GamePad will be a nice large GBA for the house.

This is hands down absolutely fantastic! I love the new art style that touches back to the original design drawings of Link as well as the "wall painting" version looking just like the Link from Wind Waker's opening video art.

Loving the smaller ship embedded in the krakens head lol.

You can't know what Kirby tastes like because Kirby would have already eaten you! :)