
How about this option, some people just don't have a good enough internet connection where they live for this to be a viable option PERIOD. I have family that live out on farms with either a satelite connection which isn't fast enough for Xbox Live or a dial up one which isn't even supported.

This has been an issue in regards to some of the older development studios because they get stuck in their ways and try to rely strictly on graphics as their new wow factor. People have to realize that just like movies, you can't limit yourself like that.

Ok, hold down "L,R, and X" for about three seconds in "Options" on the 3DS. This will let you delete the game and everything worked fine for me once that was done. So ready for my trip this weekend now :)

Ok, the update is out but I can't get it to work since I started a game on both systems while I waited. If they don't "match" it wont work, but now I can't figure out how to delete the game save on the 3DS since it only has about an hour on it and was for throw away use anyways. Any suggestions? Been looking online

In regards to content, the Wii U and 3DS versions are identical in every regard save for multiplayer. 3DS is local only with us to four 3DS's or three 3DS's and a Wii U while the Wii U can go online as well as local connection. I haven't had a problem controlling either as the d-pad they put on the touch screen

Wish not with. Man I need more sleep. No way to edit your posts huh.

I do with they had this available on launch day, but I agree it is probably going to come with the Thursday eShop update. Xbox Live and PSN have had similar issues because they don't want to bend the rules for one when they would have to do it for all. I bought both copies and really wanted to use this, but 2 days

EA sent Mass Effect 3 to die by showing it off, then just popping up with the trilogy for the same cost. That didn't sell because of their choices alone. And I am still waiting to see what happens with the new consoles because even though they are capable of doing so much, how many companies can afford the time,