Albino Pigeon

Well, actually...

Can I audition for Bambi’s mom? Because if this is gonna keep up then I’d prefer Disney just shoots me and ends my suffering now.

Adam Sandler stars as Rob Schneider, who’s been hired to star in a movie biopic of David Spade. But Sandler’s Schneider has a different vision of the Spade character than director Dennis Dugan, a frequent Adam Sandler director but a man whom Schneider does not see eye to eye with. Dugan, played by Kevin James, will

How about YOU try instead of insisting other people do the work for you?

Or just fuck the fuck off.

I honestly don’t know whether or not either of these people are Sam Worthington.

I get it. The last time I had to watch footage of myself in public I tried to walk away too, but the bailiff stopped me.

Reader Learns Of Carol’s Second Act When Writers Quit Carol’s Second Act After Patricia Heaton’s Husband Is Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

You pretty much nailed it. Wish I could give you more stars. The author was too caught up in their own beliefs to actually see the narrative the episode was telling. The trans issue and the PC babies thing is actually more of the subplot of the episode. The real driving narrative was the Cartman story line and the

In the case of Ford, the problem was there was too much overlap between the Fusion and Taurus... as well as too much overlap between the Fiesta and Focus.

Spoiler: author is a PC Baby. 

“if anyone is going to try and discuss what happened with Semenya it should be another Black trans woman, not two cis white guys from Canada”

is it difficult being this boring of a person

What kind of a Mickey Mouse operation is this anyway?

No she fucking isn’t. She’s *barely* a character. And she’s had, what? Like 3, 4 movies to be more than “Whedonesque ‘strong female’ who can do flippy spinny moves, is sort of a villain, and is painted blue.”?

Dear r/AmITheAsshole,

So, I was recently put in charge of an already successful website by this private equity firm. I covered the site in loud, obnoxious ads, drove readers away and than started firing the people who made the website successful in the first place when they wouldn’t kiss my ass. But, I mean, those

I want the laugh track to be the heads of all the characters who died, lagging heads on pikes. They can be on a balcony like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets. 

I’m not sure that anyone (Netflix, Disney or B&W) was looking back on the earlier decision especially fondly.

The spoiler is that you’re both gigantic nerds. 

I’m amazed this is a thing.  How much does inpatient fat cat rehabilitation cost?

Diana Burnwood: Good morning, 69. Your targets are known respectively as The Painter and The Pruner.