Albino Pigeon

I’m a crazy boring consumer who leased their Fusion in no small part because as one of my friends remarked, “It looks like the standard issue white guy car.”

I like my functional, professional sedan. I don’t want an SUV because those aren’t the types of vehicles I like. Meanwhile this lease will have to be my last one

Heather Swanson is not an ally or a character that deserves the support of the trans community. She is intentionally blown out of proportion to be the most clear example of a trans person who is obviously not attempting to assert their true selves but instead just take advantage of the system. Despite being completely

Seriously, the auto playing videos are particularly obnoxious. I no longer leave tabs open because it feels like you have to kill them with fire to stop speaker spam pushing nonsense I don’t care about.

Bush should never be redeemed in the public eye based on the things he’s done as president. However, I don’t see how that obligates every other person from ever associating with him. Frankly, tickets to a suite at a football game is just a networking event invite. When that invite also happens to sit you down next to

I see your point but I would disagree and raise you a chorus:

This is such a stupid place to find such a good analogy. I do love me some Kinja.

This also makes think of the recent UFC242 in Abu Dhabi, where the fans would actively boo for every non-Muslim and particularly the Americans and applaud every Muslim. All of it helps to provide some amount of comfort when I see American fans being bigoted idiots because hey, at least it’s not just us!

Meanwhile, my wife’s prayer, per her:

That totally just happened.

I hang out here a lot but can’t say that I really understand the degree to which people are proud of themselves for bashing Steven King. Sure, he’s terrible at endings but he delivers a mean set up. As someone who has read a lot of his books and stories (a whole third of his ridiculous catalog) he’s a prolific author

I am a very committed video game nerd in my 30s and nothing is more exciting on the horizon for me personally than Sword and Shield. Sun/Moon were such an amazing step forward in terms of the writing and presentation for the Pokemon series, not to mention all the gameplay stuff that was implemented, ability to get old

I could not disagree with this take more. Not only about scaling back to the original 151 (their typings are so bad) but also about the need to remove the mechanics that they’ve been trying in subsequent generations. In order to keep Pokemon fresh for the millions of us die hards, you need to mix up the formula

I am paying for Hulu, Netflix and get Prime Video incidentally on my path to free 2 day shipping. Most of the time, I don’t even bother to pirate new media because holy crap, there is already more of it than I could ever reasonably get to.

Having said that, we’re getting to the point where so much content is being

Kevin Spacey as Kevin Spacey.

Shots fired!!... at human beings and yet we’re still not enacting any form of comprehensive gun control.

Dale Hansen is the man and yet again summarizes so well how it feels to be an American in the wake of yet another in the endless string of tragedies.

Eleven ended up developing her powers in the time with Kali. She needed to be stronger to be able to justify being able to close the giant ass gate, which I thought was pretty clear with the montage leading to her pulling the train.

Also, I think this episode could have been really interesting if you’d cut it down to

Fun fact, Danny Trejo will apparently act in anything! I once read an article where he commented on the number of student films he does PER YEAR, just to stay busy. Trejo’s apparently more of the man than any of us realize...

There’s a typo. It says these are “poems” when in fact they are “memes”. Someone should fix that.

Clearly this will be called The Other Other Guys.

(I’m totally going to see this and have no problem at all with the tired premise)

Holy crap can I identify with this article. I went from one crappy job to another in Michigan where the economy is just rough. After ending up in what was effectively a pyramid scheme I had to cut my losses with that job and walk away in order to try to find something better.

In the course of that, I realized I could
