
I’m an Old (41) and I assure you skinny jeans didn’t exist in the 90s. Flared jeans, bootcut jeans, and wide JNCO style was about all you had to chose from in the mid to late 90s. Oh, and tapered jeans but those were deemed hideous by most.

Every idiot who says that they hate drama is always the catalyst for drama.

Someone on Jezebel — a regular, no less — once wrote a long and entirely serious comment explaining that she could only be friends with men because she was sarcastic, she liked horror movies, and she liked to bake, and women who share her specialized, hypermasculine interests just don’t exist!

When Killmonger asked the white lady “How you think your ancestors got these in the first place?” there was a collective “Mmmhmm” that went through the audience.

Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.

This was the first time in a long time where I’ve watched a movie and had no qualms at all with why the main villain was villainous. Pretty much everyone in the movie turned in stellar perfomances, but Killmonger stole the show for me. His last line hit hard.

Lupita Nyong’o, too.

Damn, it looks like I didn’t get my edit in on time.

Was there anyone who was not good in that movie? Top to bottom, I can’t remember a bad performance from anyone. Chadwick Boseman was incredible. I can’t even get the words out right. And Winston Duke was THE SHIT. His , presence, his menace, his comedic timing, all of it. I hope they have him back in the next one.

I screamed! Letitia was soooooooooo good as Shuri.

When Shuri called him a colonizer, the whole theater died.


There was one point in my early thirties in which I really resented attending weddings. Not out of jealousy but because it would entail shower gifts, wedding gifts, travel expenses, bridesmaid dresses etc. And then the couple would divorce a couple of years, later. If that. It began to seem like a way to stock their

My aunt looks after abused and abandoned bunnies for a rabbit rescue. She apparently has to rotate which of the various groups of rabbits are outside together or they will kill eachother.

I believe it! Amazing bunny.

My favorite pet rabbit house-trained herself. And she watched television. Her favorite show was Sesame Street and if you tried to change the channel when she was watching it she would jump up and bite you until you turned it back.

White people; coming up with stupid solutions for easy to solve problems since half past forever.

It’s pretty much slavery. If someone is stuck in your house, not a citizen, not free to go and laboring for you, that’s slavery.

Your not being too cynical. I’ve seen t shirts and hats with yaaaas queen on them. And have heard people misusing read and shade in casual conversations.  

We have much to discuss. ;)