
Thanks. It does help to count one’s blessings.

It’s just a burrito!

* zeetal also is dreaming of a cushy existence, seeing as she’s jealous that her friends (who have lived in NZ for 5 minutes) have all purchased houses here (high cost of living) and she cannot. why? because her friends are married to doctors and sold million-dollar places in the US, transferred that to NZD, and now

OMG thank you! I feel the same about WW. People were telling me — a woman — that it was this great movie. And I’m like, it wasn’t, and it wasn’t even that feminist. I’m glad that there’s a woman-lead and stuff, but otherwise? eh. It wasn’t great. I’m glad that there was a woman director, but otherwise? eh.

Truly heartbreaking and I agree. This was not a villain who is villainous for silly reasons. This was a man who was doing what he felt was right and best, who held a deep wound. I wanted him to live. I wanted him to be healed and brought to rights with his family and home. And then that line. His power. I was crying.

These were powerful women, or I should say ‘actual’ women because that’s how women are.

Yeah, every single performance was brilliantly on point. Just perfect. Seemingly effortless — so you know they put the hard yards in.

It’s so bizarre how blind people are to themselves. What he’s doing right now is abusive (financial abuse, it’s a thing!). He should just pull up his socks and finish the mediation.

You know what? That sounds all good!

You know what? It’s totally ok to post this. I”m sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m sorry that her kids are going through it. I will definitely keep them in my thoughts.

Such a cute baby! she likes to stick out her tongue in those pictures! Adorable!

Grief is weird and wild and makes no sense. So, sounds like you’re exactly right where you’re supposed to be. That may be no comfort, but there you are.

Contact Improv, Acro Yoga, and Salsa dance as well.

the not-consistent start time thing is confusing.

Yeah. My parents had my sister as a “gift” to me so that I didn’t have to “grow up lonely” as an only child.

I thought this was interesting, too.

This was my thought — people haven’t heard of galoshes?

I’m an american living in NZ. I feel like this has been reality for a long time, and people are just now waking up to it.

We had a bunny, too, and they are so excellent. He was 10 yrs old when he passed and we were so sad about it. Nearly 10 years later, and I still miss him.