
http://www.drawdown.org/the-book is uplifting. It shows actual, concrete steps that can be taken to stave off the looming ecological doomsday scenario. In unexpected places, saviors are found, like recycling refrigerants. This, more than anything else, saves our asses. It’s totally worth reading.

My parents told me they had me so my older sister wouldn’t get bored, so...

A quick highlight for folks who may not know: The National Sexual Assault hotline can help folks process trauma even if it isn’t something recent. I know sometime the word “hotline” can make people think that it’s for only immediate crises; if you’re rethinking something from the past and want safe and supportive

Like many here are saying, this seems very relatable.

To riff on one of your questions, I noticed in one of the few female gaze moments in film, Kyle Rens shirtless scene in TLJ, men immediately jumped to make for of him. To make fun of that scene.

Let’s burn the patriarchy to the motherfucking ground.

I would just like to say that I am very happy to see Laura Dern working so much lately. Such an underrated actress and her Renata on Big, Little Lies is chilling.

It’s not just your opinion, it’s a fact. There’s nothing more threatening to an insecure man than a woman who is educated, speaks and thinks for herself and partners with a man because it’s her choice and not her only fallback.

It’s not just your opinion, it’s a fact. There’s nothing more threatening to an insecure man than a woman who is educated, speaks and thinks for herself and partners with a man because it’s her choice and not her only fallback.

So I just read this horrifying piece - I’m all the way down in Australia - what do you guys currently resident in the US think? Is it overstating the case or should we all be terrified?

Good news/bad news kind of day, I’m sorry.

Very disheartening week at work. I’m used to white douchebro culture (I’m a woman in tech) but the past few days have really ramped it up.

I guess it’s true - everything old is new again. My grandma used to have these plastic booties that you wore over your shoes in the rain. They were clear plastic though, not colors. I remember her wanting me to wear them, too - no - way to embarrassing!!

Liberator wedges can be knee and back savers for both parties....and bonus - they make great reading backrests when not engaged in their primary purpose!

I would like to recommend a series currently on the BBC, ‘Mirriams Big American Adventure’ with the one and only Mirriam Margoyles. She travels through the heartland of America, talking to people, trying to understand how ChitoMussolini came to rule over us. She talks to prisoners in a female prison, and Chicago

I got my first real big girl job! I am officially in at Teach for America! I turned in my regional preference form today and once they get back to me on that I will make my final decision. Looking about 75% chance I will take it but I want to do some more research. I am also sending in a few more applications and I am

What have you done this past week that you’re proud of? Not lit someone or your workplace on fire? Avoided shoving an annoying family member from behind? Got a promotion or procured employment? Brag on yourself here so we can celebrate you!

He tried remember? Don’t boo, vote. Too many white women and Bernie Bros ignored him. Her emails or something. Right Susan Sarandon?

Ex-professional dominatrix here. I had a few findom clients but chose not to focus my practice around it. I found that the guys can be REALLY high maintenance. People often think findom is an easy, no effort way to make money (a mistake people make about sex work in general) but it is NOT.