ZeeBaka (old account go away)

I’ll meet you all at Trinity Church. Bring every Nintendo game and hardware ever. And Riley.

*fan-crazed screeching*


Tell me when you’ve caught a Dragonite while at Brain Candy with Adam Savage.

Really? I got a metal coat the first day through normal.

Someone convert this to MMD now.

Np. (^-^)b

A message to Pokemon:

Nice meme.

I usually don’t understand the games that Life in Aggro references (I still didn’t this week), but I feel that the cat face is good meme material.

Let the memes begin.

More proof that anime is life. I wish I was as cool as this kid.

Wait, this isn’t artwork from the game?

Shinies do have better stats than other Pokemon usually, at least in Gen 7. Also, shiny hunting takes a lot of time and dedication, as making a competitive team does. There’s also the knowledge of how, where, and when to shiny hunt, and how to set up a competitive team, such as which Pokemon will be the dedicated

Totally won’t sell out like Nuka Cola Quantum. Nope.

Bet you feel like an ass for doing this now, huh?

Why are people getting so upset about Jack, Sean, whatever you wanna call him, saying what Pewdiepie did was dumb? Like... friends need to help friends, and this includes telling them that “Hey fam, that was pretty dumb. Like... you shouldn’t do that.”

Aw cool.

Yep. Maybe only put a FEW Pokemon in the demo, and add mythical and special pokemon data by update.