Yep. I can’t fly RC Helis to save my life XD
Yep. I can’t fly RC Helis to save my life XD
Dang... this is really sad. I gasped when I saw this article. Condolences to his family, friends, and community. I hope that you all can get through this. :c
Look in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s... a Mario toy that’s probably really hard to fly!
Haha! It’s alright. Marshadow isn’t really a thing yet :D.
What if... you weren’t supposed to get the dogtag and the messages were for someone else? And if you wait in said spot someone else would come? Or if you collect the matching back something happens?
Pssh, why would people want an Unown? If it were me, I’d like to UN-OWN it!
Yeah let’s make a Pokemon version of One Punch Man. Now THAT would be interesting. And relateable.
Er... Marshadow is #802 buddy.
Or maybe Fighting.
Great now Party Rock Anthem is stuck in my head.
2 fest 2 furryus
*breath in*
Oh and this was about 2 hours ago so...
I shot this scout in the head with a sniper dead on and I didn’t kill. The blood even showed up...
For the first time in my life... I’m at a loss for words.
I played Portal 2 co-op wth my friend a few days ago. Only had to look up the answer to one once. Great game, I swear.
Ageage? Again!
Who... who broke Punch Buddy?!
Play Monster Super Leauge. It’s better. And by better I mean basically the exact same but with 3d models and SIX star monsters!