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    They can dominate my jeans any day.

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    It’s not even the correct show but it’s what runs through my mind when I see anything Sabrina the Teenage Witch related.

    He’s 2018's “Pretty Baby”.

    My Grandmother was a Hazel, my mother is a Hazel, and now my brother and his wife have named their new daughter Hazel.

    It’s been about 10 years since I was a full time resident of Minneapolis but I still keep my apartment there and stay frequently throughout the year. Below is a list of places I like to go when I am there. Note* my apartment is by the University of Minnesota so many of the places I go are in public

    I know I’m an old...but I don’t get it. Are there any followers in the comments? Can someone explain to me why you would follow these people? 

    Kyan = JVN. Carson = Tan.

    I work closely with one of the people in this video! I knew he was on this show but I have never seen this clip. This has brought me a lot of joy.

    Yes. That audience knows they are in the presence of greatness.

    This survey is the same for gay men only in reverse. Our prime is 18 and then it’s all down hill from there. I turned 39 this year and I was put out to pasture I’d say about 5 years ago, which is totally fine. IT’S FINE!

    Not as adorable as a Quokka.

    I had the exact opposite experience. I grew up and went to college in the Midwest and always found people to be pleasant but stand offish and “kept to themselves”. When I moved to New York City I was taken aback by how strangers would just strike up conversations with me.

    Don’t snuggle them. Also reduces chances of being clawed to death.

    He was there. I assume he still drives unless he is in a director type roll now. He stands out because he is very tall in person. He also stood out because he was surrounded by a camera crew. I didn’t put it together at first, but then my friend yelled “CASH CAB!” and sure enough there it was with some happy looking


    I just walked by the Cash Cab a couple of weeks ago. I can confirm they are still filming.

    A very good friend of mine was married to a Swiss guy. They divorced because he was an epic asshole. This proves nothing, or maybe it does? His name was Jan for context.

    Vivien sounds like a real creep. It’s 2018, stop sending unsolicited photos of your junk.

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    I posted this elsewhere on the thread, but this is the clip in the movie that got me. I had never seen this before. I was a little kid that was told I was a mistake. It was good to hear this message as an adult. I hope others see this too.

    Yes, it contains that clip.