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    They address this in the movie.

    I was at her Carnegie Hall show. Joan Rivers bequeathed her personal guest book to Kathy and said she could only let famous people sign it. So she had Kim sign it and well, according to Kathy we know how that ended.

    By a player on his own team. :(

    I love this journey for you. You can make it happen! Actually forget the bus, you’re going to start a love train and we’re all going to get on board with you.

    Karamo is the obvious leader of the group. When asked about how to confront people that have misogynistic, homophobic, and racist views he dug into his counselly past and said “ you have to change their heart before you can change their minds”. Big Ah-Ha moment for the crowd. He then made us repeat after him that we

    I was in the room at the 92Y last night. Here’s what I have to report:

    I would never post a photo of myself online, though I could crop myself out of it...but then it’s just a picture of Andy Cohen with a goofy smile on his face.

    SJP and I have crossed paths a lot in the west village. She’s very tiny. I recall one time in particular she was huddled up against a wall speaking into her cell phone. As I passed by she said “I mean, it’s just a dick joke!”

    Thank you. I’ve never understood why christian’s believe marriage belongs to them. Their own marriages, fine, but the institution of marriage is not theirs to include/exclude from.

    Yes! This is the path forward. Sarah Richardson is the only reason I ever watched HGTV. When they stopped airing her shows I moved on.

    They look like they’re from Dough. So good.

    She likes a platform shoe.

    That Javier Fernandez is an absolute peach.


    I like what you did there.

    I am a gay man. This word was viciously hurled at me every day of my young adulthood, as a way to discredit my humanity and put me in my place. To remind me, less I saw myself as a human being, that I was not welcome to the table. Believe it or not, that has an impact on a person. Not insignificant.

    He doesn’t. All the leading ladies give us the V though.

    I came here to say this exact same thing. I have these in my pantry for nights when I can’t be bothered.