
Let it never be said that Bernie Sanders is anything but a narcissistic sociopath. 

Ah, but you see, those Sanders goons calling Warren a snake only did so because she *checks notes* put together a plan that realistically laid out how to achieve Medicare for All, and as such is a terrible centrist sellout liberal who must be to the right of Joe. Oh, also She’s using a PAC, which means she’s in the

Jezebel/Splinter’s wholesale post-hoc embrace of Warren now that she’s out of the race/Bernie’s way is very Jezebel/Splinter.

I like Warren but honestly I will fight just as hard for any of these clowns to kick Trump to the curb.

I will vote blue no matter who of course. But I will always hold a grudge against those who brought this woman down because she dared to tell us the truth that M4A will not be done overnight and will cost a lot in both money and massive job displacements.

I just wish the Bernie Army would whip it out and admit they won’t vote for anyone besides Bernie. All they do is speak in ventriloquist’s tense about how if we don’t nominate somebody who will excite the masses (guess who that would be?), “people” will not turn out in sufficient numbers for the Democrat to win.

Honestly, this comes across as the words of somebody who doesn’t live or work in a red or even warm blue district. The reality Nancy Pelosi is familiar with that I genuinely get the sense that most progressives don’t understand is that most of the biggest wins in 2018 were moderate Democrats winning red districts.

I bet the publicist’s intern who had the idea to get the photo taken down and then reinstated didn’t even get a bonus.

He will have a strong showing in IA and NH and then get trounced in SC and drop out. 

If you get bumped down to the greys, I just want you to know it’s because I’m flagging this comment. I sincerely hope you find more joy in your life and find something to do with your hate - or at least take your misogynistic insults to a site that doesn’t even pretend to be feminist.

Sorry to bore you. This isn't trivial. And Adam Schiff isn't "mediocre."

In other words, you are saying that progressives are petty, childish voters who would rather live through the discomfort of another four years of President Donald Trump than have to put themselves through the extraordinarily minor discomfort of supporting a candidate who is not perfectly aligned with them on every

Because, what? Unpack the thought. What happened in 2016 did not happen because moderates chose. It happened because the strongest Democratic candidate was a flawed candidate with a lot of baggage whom people on the right despised for being who she was and a certain share of people on the left resented largely because

I had the same reaction to LawrenceJuliusTaylor’s comment.  I was hoping it was just an unintentional slur -- a gaffe from just randomly approximating a difficult name (as is done with Benedict Cumberbatch) but, on second look, it seems intentionally mean-spirited.

I’m a Warren supporter and I am unhappy with Joe and Pete’s tactics, but you need to lay off the gay slurs.

I really don’t care, do u?

ding ding ding

Are you people blind??

I feel like we always act like the problem is either that liberals know he’s shitty and that conservatives choose to ignore him.