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    This bit is funnier when John Oliver does it.

    “4:14 p.m: I arrive at Progress Iowa and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa’s Super Bowl watch party in a cavernous building in downtown Detroit.”

    Ooooh burn. Acid burn.

    More like Stefani Joanne Ally Maine Angelina GermoLotta

    Get in line. We all would.

    Breitbart apparently knows the identity of the whistleblower and is going to release it to the public.

    Dumbo. The incarcerated mother who just wants to see her baby but they chained her up so tight she can only get her trunk through the bars to hold him for a brief moment. 

    It’s funny because it’s true.

    My membership at Equinox was $225 a month. Slightly discounted because of a company rate. It’s good through the end of the month so I’ll be stocking up on all the Kiehl’s products on my way out the door.

    Saw it this past Saturday at the Angelika. Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzhen have created a sweet and charming on-screen relationship. Despite being a film about something we all will experience (or have experienced), it would not have had the emotional impact without those strong lead performances. Really all of the

    They can put that on my tombstone. “Here lies ZZZ. He Walked a Tight Line Between Gleefully Single and Extremely Horny”

    I live in a small building in NYC. If I don’t know you and you don’t have your own key to get into the building then don’t try to follow me in. I apply this to standard to myself. If I am going to visit a friend I use their buzzer and wait for them to let me in. I do not follow people into their buildings. 

    Now playing

    This is kind of a fascinating look at behind the scenes. Jodi recording Part of Your World.

    Good for them. Get that money while you can. They won’t be hot and young for long. We should all be so lucky.

    Several already exist. I work at a university and we use one all the time at our events.

    It was a joke.

    Meryl Streep. One Note. Overrated.

    That video cuts out right before she unleashes the bees.

    Have you seen this new Starbucks Roastery at 15th at 9 Ave? I walk by it every day but have yet to go in. I’m intrigued but it looks overrun with tourists, plus there is a Blue Bottle around the corner so I just go there instead.

    It’s not phonetic script but one of the logos is a play on how to pronounce his last name. This website has the full logo campaign.