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    There is a Taco John’s at JFK. This is important information for Midwest transplants like myself.

    Also they can run up to 30 mph and jump 5ft high so good luck getting away from it.

    I saw this documentary over the weekend and it made this scandal seem so much more egregious to me. Some excellent kids out there facing big roadblocks. The system is certainly broken.

    Six Feet Under

    They don’t need the Hallmark money. They may take a ding but I somehow think they’ll be able to pull through. I feel little sympathy.

    I grew up gay in the rural Midwest. There were plenty of people there that would have been happy to beat me to death. They told me as much. Laws are the only things that keep some people in check.

    Except he didn’t plea. In order to get a plea bargain you have to plead guilty to a lesser crime.

    The handouts go mostly to big corporate run farms. For the most part it does not trickle down to the poor independent farmer, the kind of people who would have their lives wrecked by a flooding event such as this.

    Thanks Mike. Your daughter is a big liar. Maybe you should worry about her instead.

    Yes. I’ll give them that. The banana pudding is good.

    Magnolia Bakery. Absolute worst cupcake in the city and yet because it was on that one TV show, 20 years later tourists still wait in long lines to get their hands on one. I can only describe those cupcakes as sawdust under a thick layer of flavorless sugar lard. I’ve had them at parties, weddings, on my own accord

    They are not wise beyond their years. I have worked at an Ivy League school for over a decade now. There are students here that on paper have accomplished more than some adults ever will. Have seen more things, traveled more places, created their own companies and volunteer organizations. Truly impressive. Have a

    Get out lady. They money isn’t worth it.

    I lived in Minneapolis for 10 years on the East River Road right by the University of Minnesota. I could 100% see myself hearingThis is MAGA country!” there. In fact I worked for both Target Corp. and BestBuy Corp. and I would say without a doubt that a high percentage of the white men I worked with there are MAGA

    I think Lauren Sanchez was in on it. No one needed to steal the texts/pics because leaking this information was the whole point of the relationship.

    No, but I do recall someone that carved Obama (well actually amabO, cause mirrors) into her forehead. The MAGA types assume everyone will go as low as they do. 

    There’s an Extra Virgin Oval Office joke to be made but my mind can’t come up with it at the end of the work day. Anyway, take your star.

    She’s 36 but when I’m with her I feel like she’s 19. I feel like she’s a little bit infantile (in a good way) and shy or closed off.”

    It’s not the first time. Gayle was his fake girlfriend for a long time. 

    One of my colleagues had an anaphylactic reaction to eating mangoes. Apparently the skin of mangoes contains the same itchy chemical found in poison ivy. People who are sensitive to poison ivy can react to mangoes if the skin isn’t completely cleaned from the fleshy interior.