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    I’m a gay man and was in a gay bar once. I walking from the bar back to the table where my friends were when I passed by 2 women and a man standing together. One of the women reached out and grabbed my genitals so hard that it was physically painful. They were all laughing. I batted her hand away and said she

    Yes. I always find this so bizarre. It seems so National Geographic to me.

    This man is to surgeons as Trump is to Presidents.

    So let me get this right. He suggests the person being manipulated is the one who should change their behavior in that scenario? Got it.

    You are receiving all my stars for the day, for your absolutely perfect GIF usage.

    I’ve been single my entire adult life and I hope to keep it that way. Being in a long term relationship is just not something I would ever want. Honestly I’m pretty selfish. I don’t want children, I can take care of all my bills on my own. I don’t want to consider the needs/desires of another person in any of my

    Exactly. Why would this be a good idea? The writer described what a lovely person her partner is. Why would doing something hurtful to someone you love be the answer?

    Yes, and I loved all those other deserving performances as well. It’s just Carrie was my favorite, but you’re right, we’ll definitely see more of her.

    Now playing

    I’m pretty stoic, so it’s unusual for me to show the feels, but this past season there were so many moments where I felt she transcended the material, and of course this...this nearly killed me in Season 1.

    I really wanted Carrie Coon to win tonight. Her performance in The Leftovers to me was just incomparable.

    Honestly this world sometimes. People were watching little kids being abused and getting a laugh out of it? This was supposedly funny? Just reading this fills me with nothing but white hot rage.

    I have no idea what was happening at the 97th street Whole Foods the other night, but I went in and it was a total disaster. There were several displays completely out of product. For God’s sake the banana racks were completely empty but I’ll be damned if there wasn’t a full display of Echos front and center. I guess

    Where will they keep the Bodega cat?

    I’m so sorry. I tried to like your comment and I stole one of your stars away somehow. Stupid Kinja.

    Um, tarte flambee is lookin’ real good. Also it might be my new handle.

    When you get the laundry back from the service it is so perfectly folded, in a way that I could never achieve myself. It goes right from the bag to my dresser. I’m poor, this is just what I choose to splurge on.

    Exactly. I don’t believe diet plays into it as much as people want to believe. I think it’s genetics or hormones or a combination of both. I’ve had completely clear skin my entire life while basically living off a diet of sugar, fat, and caffeine. You could not prove by me that eating healthy and drinking loads of

    Not even in my tackiest Sims dreams. Monstrous. Like owner like home.

    This used to be a gay bar back in the day when I lived in Minneapolis. Many moons ago.

    They are the worst. When I would spend the night on my aunt’s farm we would have to gather eggs from the chickens. To get to the chicken coop you had to cross the farm yard where the geese had free reign. So you had to avoid those feathered devils hissing and lowering their heads at you to get to your destination