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    Romans weren’t necessarily opposed to man on man, you just had to make sure if you were going to do it you were the penetrator not the penetrated.

    Agreed. We deserve peak bootyness. This will not do.

    Stars for you!

    I think I would find it exhausting.

    There is one couple in my circle of friends in an open relationship. They both came to the table wanting that, and were open about it before entering their relationship. If you are going to do it, I think that’s the way to go about it. They might be one of the happiest couples I know...though one of them has a huge


    My guess is that they are already in an open relationship and have been for some time, he is just now letting her know.

    Thank you for saying this. Too many people celebrate this kind of behavior. It’s repugnant.

    From the Dean of Columbia Journalism School.

    Also, who are the prostitutes in this story? I mean aren’t these so called officers of the law basically being paid to perform sex acts?

    Thanks for sharing. It’s helpful to hear others who face this issue. This is something I never talk about, but it weighs heavy on me. I have been on a vicious weight gain/loss roller coaster for the past decade. I will go through periods of time where I work out daily and eat minimally. I will drop weight and people

    • Snapped a photo of this gem at the NOLA airport this weekend.

    “That person hates me and is advocating for a system that wants to destroy me.”

    Do people outside of the field of journalism even know what NABJ is? The only reason I know of it is because I work at a bougie J-School.

    It brings me so much joy to watch this. If I had bought a ticket to that performance I would consider it money well spent. Thoroughly entertaining.

    You mean he doubled back to make sure the job was done and to obtain photographic evidence which he would then send to his client(s) for payment ? The following questions need to be asked.

    I think she is their younger sister, which makes it interesting because she probably has a lot of experience to draw on from watching those two.

    Yes! 1000x this. I find this trend to be so tired.

    I work at a university. I was walking around campus with my colleague last Fall and I noticed a bunch of young kids running around. I said to my colleague, “Are there Jr. High school students touring campus today?” She looked at me and said, “No, that’s the new freshman class”. They didn’t even look old enough to be

    I’ll meet you there!