
the result of this kind of untethered manufactured outrage will be that advertisers will be hesitant to use models of color at all. why bother if someone on the internet will find something to raise hell about or interpret some aspect of your ad as ‘racist’ no matter what? you want a photo of an older child cheekily

Okay, but look what we’re reduced to here, stretching ourselves to determine whether there is or isn’t something wrong with some stupid ad. If there was a problem we wouldn’t be guessing, we’d know.

So the writer admits it’s all in their own head, because they were coming to the viewing of this with that horror in mind already? I suppose that’s good to know.

lol. I can’t. So basically, she watched an episode of underground, and was just super in her feelings. Girl. Take a seat.

I don’t love the photo choice - it draws odd attention to her, with that pink shirt, but she is so unhappy looking compared to the other girls. I don’t know how much I agree that it was racist, but I do think it’s mediocre ad design, and they could have done better.

They're Jezebel bloggers now.

Usually I scoff at the notion of overzealous “PC culture” (blech, I don’t even like typing it) running out of control....

I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.

Ain’t that the truth? Men are always getting violent because a woman embarrassed him, or beat him at something, or hurt his fee-fees. This freaked me out:

I hate how often that Margaret Atwood quote rings true, the one about men fearing women laughing at them and women fearing men killing them

Hell hath no fury like a man embarrassed.

Depends what you mean by blunt and abrasive. I have never seen her be abrasive or an asshole, only direct in the way that most South Africans are. Maybe I can relate being ex-patriot South African myself and having had Americans tell me I come off rude sometime. I’m not being rude, I’m not being personal or insulting,

Jezebel commenters to vaguely decent attractive male actor that has managed not to say anything terrible for a week: “Dream man! Perfection! This is what a feminist looks like!”
Jezebel commenters to female actress: *pulls out recipts from 5 years ago* “Man can you believe this absolute unsalvageable excuse for a human

But why is it okay for Hardy (also famed for his beauty) to be an asshole, and it’s the director’s job to “pair him” with someone chill, rather then Hardy behave himself on set? I’m not saying Theron isn’t an asshole, necessarily (never met her, or him, obvs) but why is any reputed clash her fault and not his?

So Robin Wright and Scarlett Johansson are also assholes by default of dating Penn? Robin Wright is fucking awesome and she married him and had kids with him!

Yeah. Definitely rumors about that. But she’s also a pretty badass, independent chick that had a pretty rough childhood. IDK. This quote above is really self centered, but I love her.

So when an attractive person faces regular sexual harassment or feels isolated and depressed, they should just shut up and deal? Cool cool.

I’m trying to imagine that for professional reasons she imagines herself as a commodity and is only dispassionately listing an asset.

I think Charlize actually produced Monster. She got the backing and distribution of the film secured, it was something of a pet project for her.

I also call bullshit on the band mates not having any control over what he sings. In my brother’s old band he and the other guitarist effectively killed a song that included a line about sluts through the simple method of refusing to play the song. They left the band not long after. This guy’s band mates could have