
Adele and Dolly must have a duet

It’s not like anyone’s ever been there...

I think the buzzword they use is integrative medicine. It’s a way for woo-woo peddlers to have their services accepted by insurance companies.

I’m curious about where you live in that they won’t allow guns in the residence. I live in a pretty rural area and most everyone I know owns a gun or bow for hunting deer. I completely understand the intention in not wanting to have guns in the house, but in areas like where I live you’d have no patients.

Yeah even though I don't have a gun in the house, I'd prob take a more moderate stance. My dad was a hunter and gun safety instructor. We had guns in the house. But they were also locked up at all times.

In my personal experience, every anti-vax parent I have met has been so convinced that vaccines are bad, that there is no reasoning with them. They are entering the doctor’s office with their minds firmly made up and refuse to listen to facts, and are usually outspoken about it. You really don’t want a child infected

While I don’t entirely agree with #1, I know there are a lot of people who believe having loaded gun around their house will “ensafen” them, which in my mind is batshit crazy.
If you’re talking about properly secured guns though, I think that’s a bit of an overreach.
1000% agree with #2.

Other articles have said that the kids dad is actually related to (son of?) the owner of the supplement company. So there’s the cynical possibility they were treating their kid as a poster child for their product/lifestyle and refused to let any normal doctor tell them it was all bullshit.

I’m cool on #2, but refusing to see parents who have guns in the home I’m less sure about. I can understand and respect an opposition to recreational firearms, but for children whose parents work in law enforcement, that doesn’t seem like an entirely reasonable stance to take.

Jesus. It's bad enough adults use that for their medical needs but kids.

The only problem with refusing to see anti-vax or gun-owning patients is you leave the kids to the devices of their parents, where otherwise you may have had a non-zero chance at a positive intervention.

I can get behind reason #2, reason #1 not so much, but hey, I could always choose another pediatrician too.

That is exactly my response...that poor child, to think of his suffering gives me a golf-ball sized lump in my throat. I think of how I feel when my own children have a sore throat or an earache or upset tummy or hell, even a real humdinger of a boo boo...with every fiber of my being, I want to take away their pain.

At my pediatrician’s office recently, they gave each parent a disclaimer that they support vaccinations and outlined all of the reasons why. At the end, though, they pretty much said that if you don’t want to vaccinate, that’s your choice, but you will no longer be a patient of this office and they will give you no

Anthrax is a natural, too.

It does, though! For lots of things!

Hey now, botulinum toxin is natural. That shit works!

So as a scientist-type person who has also worked at a hippy-dippy natural foods store... I don’t actually think naturopathy is the devil. That being said, it is no substitute for Western medicine or your primary care doctor. I believe that it can have a supplementary relationship with those things, if that’s what

I don’t understand how you can see your child suffering and not take every available option to make them healthy. Rest in peace, Ezekiel.

“Natural” is such a buzzword; everyone from hippies to strict conservatives love throwing it around. What is “natural.” If you cook a plant, is it still in it’s “natural” state. Is cocaine “natural” because it’s derived from “natural” elements? If humans are innately “natural,” wouldn’t that mean anything we do to