I guess we better be prepared for the inevitable “But if she had been carrying a gun this wouldn’t have happened!”
I guess we better be prepared for the inevitable “But if she had been carrying a gun this wouldn’t have happened!”
So... is it raw?
That’s a big swing and a miss with your use of palimpsest.
Yes. She can’t resist the dish that’s easiest to put down.
Of all the Italian pasta dishes to gorge oneself on, surely there is a more attractive option than carbonara.
He was a bad dude and there were steps that could have been taken before this was an option. Plenty of people hit hard times, mental illness, whatever and don’t kill anyone.
I’ll tell you that was my first thought the minute I saw “17 year old homeless guy”, but then reading further I felt a little more reassured that they didn’t railroad someone just to make an arrest.
Swaddlers are in fact the best. And good god they hold a lot of pee.
Pampers are really the best out there. I’ve heard good things about Kirkland (Costco) brand but have had too much success with Pampers Swaddlers on Baby Stig’s bum to change after 9 months.
I hate literally everything about it. Except maybe the length. That’s a good length for a $5 beach coverup.
Thank you for pointing out that it’s polyester. I feel like places that used to sell decent fabrics are slipping in more and more shitty manmade fibers without altering the price point, and I feel like I’ve become my mom when I notice and am offended.
Not even if it was free.
The deadest of the dead...not like Letty dead, the real kind of dead.
She’s dead AND her love interest is dead. The loop is pretty closed on Han and Gisele.
“Money grab, pure and simple.”
Super dead
I was really hoping they would take Helen Mirren up on her offer, but Charlize is pretty cool.