Alternately, you could assume that since this article is specifically about harassment that you have nothing to do with, it isn’t about you...?
Alternately, you could assume that since this article is specifically about harassment that you have nothing to do with, it isn’t about you...?
Why do you think waifu or husbando pillows are ridiculous? If people want to buy them men or women more power to them.
I wasn’t even thinking about the risk to other drivers. Of course the dad is distracted, not to mention what if the kid reaches out and decides to grab the steering wheel? Insane toddler strength is a real thing.
The laws of physics are non-negotiable.
You beat me to it Mazzie. Anytime a woman who has been raped goes straight to the police and then the hospital, she shows astounding bravery and provides courage to thousands of other rape victims that they can do it to.
So you’re saying I can’t simply feed you kindness coins until the sex falls out?
Just a reminder, Baylor didn’t just cover for Ukwuachu, they actively recruited him and brought him onto their campus after Boise State suspended for “misconduct” (sexual assault) and recommended he not be admitted to another school. And, in case you were wondering, it is that Ken Starr.
#NOTALLFRAT-nevermind, I can’t do this anymore. As a society, can we just admit that yes, it is all fraternities and do away with this bullshit institution once and for all?
Good for this girl for being brave enough to report right away. It’s hard to do and so extremely brave. Because she did reported, she and other women have a chance at justice.
The age of consent in the UK is 16 ;)
Well I mean, babies aren’t supposed to be driving cars.
Don’t do it. I know I know “Back in my day we used to drive around in daddy’s truck sitting on his lap all the time!” Sure, the probability of you getting in an accident driving 100 yards is slim. But it is so so dangerous to have an airbag that close to an infants face. Instant death. Smashing of the skull. Just…
When it comes to an undisputed expectation of child safety, I’m okay with the shaming. If the parking spot was that close, one of them could have walked with the baby if they didn’t want to deal with the car seat. Or take 30 SECONDS and put the baby in the seat. The effort required to use the car seat is minimal…
all that stale drug-sweat dripping on top of you urgh
For once, Hillary is America.
Children, nature's backhanded gift to humanity.
For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.
More cuteness! Ack!
Pretty much everyone can be a piece of shit to employees as long as you are both making your boss money and not addressing any protected classes. My work has an HR video that basically just teaches you what belittling things are work appropriate and what could get you fired.