She does. I’m happy for her. The gossip rags tormented her for years... that has got to be rrrrough. I’m glad to see she’s happy now and living her best life. Not a fan, but always happy to see a woman rising above and achieving some happiness.
She does. I’m happy for her. The gossip rags tormented her for years... that has got to be rrrrough. I’m glad to see she’s happy now and living her best life. Not a fan, but always happy to see a woman rising above and achieving some happiness.
Agreed. She made a commitment and instead of honouring it or finding a solution she threw her toy out of the pram.
I love RiRi and I usually love her don’t give a shit attitude but I feel like maybe when one has a new album to promote - an album which took forever to release - it’s not the best time to be throwing temper tantrums and cancelling Grammy appearances? I hope it’s a one time thing and not that she’s having a Kanye…
I thought it might actually be bronchitis since Rihanna smokes so much. Oh well, we didn’t miss much from her pulling out at the last minute. It’s not like she can sing well anyway. They could’ve just replaced her with a yodeling goat dressed in lingerie and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
Where has that discernment been for the last 5+ years of her career?
Trust me, Adele’s career will be fine. The fact that Rihanna is still a thing after her previous lead up singles did nothing and the lukewarm acceptance of her new album hasn’t gone over well, shows no one missed her IMO.
She wasn’t the only one who had to deal with shitty conditions but she was the only one who had a crying fit and bailed.
PFFT. Rihanna’s sad karaoke version of Tame Impala’s song is completely unoriginal.
No where did i say she got paid. I said she bailed on a performance she had agtreed to do, was booked to do and was promoted to be part of and was “Screaming and hysterical”. Also, she wasn’t the only performer who had to deal with shit technicals but she seems to be the only one who had a hissy fit and bailed.
He thought Calvin Harris sounded more racially ambiguous. For real.
I’ve never been 100% entirely sure who she is, but I really like Chrissy Teigen
Counterpoint: Kendrick Lamar’s performance*
*which is the only thing I saw of the Grammys, so take from that what you will...
If it’s your job to do a performance you agreed to do and you don’t have mitigating circumstances ie illness, family issue , then yeah, I can blame her to just not wanting to work.
he’s also really dumb
Bunch of free loaders. They should just make millions of dollars as a well known, relatively respected celebrities and then marry independently wealthy women. Then they can squander the money on failed enterprises and publicly tell other rich people they should give them money to bail them out. Easy peasy.
Kanye is having an Amanda Bynes level breakdown right now it’s just been more drawn out. I feel sorry for him because at least Amanda had family that was able to eventually get her some help and put a fork in the public antics. Kanye is not so lucky, he’s surrounded by Kardasians where the priority is always to stay…
Oh haha, I did not see that tweet. I take back the small benefit of the doubt I was extending to him.
Probably covering his ass after he suggested to Mark Zuckerberg that he give Kanye money instead of building schools in Africa. He then referred to Africa as a “country”.