She had nothing to do with this story getting revived. And, newsflash, if you never sexually assault your trainer, it can’t get brought back up at bad moments.
She had nothing to do with this story getting revived. And, newsflash, if you never sexually assault your trainer, it can’t get brought back up at bad moments.
I agree with you in theory... but that was a murder. I really don’t think those two situations require much comparison.
Nah, Peyton Manning is a confirmed creep/lecher, and he’s also a probable cheater using HGH.
It really is amazing to see such blatant gaslighting being done in such an organized manner. “Never happened, but if it did, you took it the wrong way, and anyway, you asked for it.”
It really says a lot about the Mannings that they thought it was a good idea to go after this woman in the book “they wrote”. Ignore the incident, acknowledge it in anodyne terms, whatever, but even setting aside the subsequent harassment of sending material to her new employers, why would they go in for a little…
Malcom Saxon. He initially got dragged in because Rollo tried to claim Manning had been teasingly mooning Saxon and Naughtright had somehow put her face into Manning’s ass and it was all a big whoospie-daisy accident. Saxon was then naturally asked corroborate the invented story and refused, writing the letter to…
I heard on Mike & Mike something to the effect that there another football player who was asked to corroborate Manning’s story but refused to do so. He even went so far as issuing a statemement asking Manning to “man up and accept responsibility for his actions.” That player was redshirted as retaliation.
I can tell you how they kept it covered for two decades; the same way every athlete factory shuts up talk of their players’ crimes: They tell the local press to shut up, the local press nods its head and says, ‘Yes, sir. Hope we do well in the postseason, sir.’
I can’t believe just how casually the dismissals are in each case. Like what kind of super-ostrich do you have to be to deny “You like big men, don’t you” is sexually threatening in a one-on-one situation?
I’d admit it was a joke, but I don’t want Rita Ora to flatter herself that I know the difference.
I ... what is the relevance of the color of her skin or who she dated?
Tori, is that you?
That “Eat a Bowl Of Fuck” face is on SPOT though. She’d be perfect as a mean girl in a 1980s teen rom-com
Seriously. No one curr about you or your stank face, Rita Ora.
Must be hard to watch someone with half your vocal ability win...and win...and win. However, TS is just so freaking likable.
Ok, so don’t yell at me!
If you've heard two cats fucking in your backyard in the middle of the night, you've heard this song.
What’s a Tori Kelly?
I googled her this morning and found out that she sings my least favorite song on the radio that I fucking hate and immediately switch away from whenever it comes on. It’s called “Should’ve Been Us” and it should’ve been killed in production. #OneHitWonder #YoureDone #PleaseExit
when you're at the Grammys throwing shade and no one has any idea who the fuck you are: