
Weird. I feel like she was referenced recently before this tragedy.

No jury of your peers would convict you. Just sayin’.

being totally out of touch with reality.

This is how I imagine GP’s reaction would be to this.


It is impossible for an inherently inferior cake product to be “amazing” no matter where it comes from.

Million dollar properties and $65K a month. Man, I am doing life all wrong.

“I understand why he has to do this—to prove he’s a man,” she reportedly said of the dog move. “He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.”

Considering the amount of American Democrats (our reportedly left-wing party) who are miles to the right of Merkel, trust me, it could be much worse.

I know right. Finally a hero for all of us who hate late people and dicks.

She also once cancelled a meeting with Putin because he was late.

I have watched videos on this and I still can’t do it. So I say well done!

Who did you have to sell your soul to?

okay but i finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet and that was a proud moment

Yup, takes some real chutzpah to inadvertently draw attention to the net proceeds of the rape, plunder and wholesale destruction of a civilization to cash in now that your country’s economy is in the crapper.

Considering Spain’s history of brutalizing the people of South America around the time that this ship sank, maybe Madrid can let this one go?

But who is Rita Ora????

Of course Yolanda is broke. All those useless treatments from naturopaths are expensive.