Pretty sure this is the trolliest confession of all time and Bobby did it.
Pretty sure this is the trolliest confession of all time and Bobby did it.
Columbusing people’s artwork is fine as long as the people are lesser humans than yourself. Everyone knows that.
...and then demanded that his followers dink blood and eat flesh. Definitely a zombie.
God kills an infant to teach the parents a lesson, which is that they should love God more. The God who just killed their baby.
I was going to say- isn’t Zombie Jesus just.. regular Jesus?
Considering these people truly believe that Jesus was killed and then rose from the dead, you’d think they would be much more receptive to this very appropriate zombie nativity scene.
Josh Hartnett has been KILLING it on the past two seasons of Showtime’s phenomenal gothic Victorian drama, “Penny Dreadful.” He and Eva Green have chemistry for dayzzzz.
Ha, I looked at it and thought, “Macaulay Culkin looks great!” and then realized it was Seth Green, and I can’t really tell how Macaulay Culkin looks in this photo. But Seth Green looks great!
YES. Oh christ, when he leaves Sunnydale and kisses Willow for the last time in his room and she cries those big Allyson Hannigan rips my soul apart.
OMG, when he’s standing there totally calm, and they’re arguing about whether to trade the Mayor the book to get Willow back or not, and then he silently walks over and destroys the bowl so they can’t do the ritual? ALL THE FEELS.
Your collection of Can’t Hardly Wait images is totally making my morning.
Oh c’mon, the werewolf stuff was kind of adorable too.....
I stared at that picture for like 3 minutes going, “I’m pretty sure that’s Seth Green and not Macauley” before realizing that Macauley was one of the other people in the picture. It literally hurt my brain. Helllllloooo morning.
Probably because it’s an easy town to control. Kind of like Clearwater.
Oz was like, my dream guy when I was younger. OKOK he’s still my dream guy but just like, minus the werewolf stuff.
oh my god, my incredible crush on Seth Green just came raging back. ohhhmygod.
I disagree. If he did it alone i would say workplace violence. But the wife being involved makes me think its something more. Why assume the wife is a victim for all we know she could be the brains behind this.